Chapter TWELVE

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Sally woke up on her birthday a few weeks later to Nick bringing her breakfast in bed.
" Happy birthday baby" Nick whisper kissing her lovingly.
"I glad we back together we were bearly apart a week but I missed you" Sally whisper.
"I missed you to baby" Nick  whisper.
"Sally Dad are you two still in bed" They heard Summer called out knocking at the front  door.
Sally got her dressing grown.
Nick grabbed a shirt.
"We could spent a day in bed  and ironge everyone" Nick whisper.
"And not show up to the party Mum won't have that" Sally said.
"You know?" Nick asked.
" Mum and Summer keeping a secret pleased I overheard them a week ago but it sweet I love them for going to all this trouble I will act so surprise I love that we close Mum Summer and I Flo haven't turn them against me if anything Mum and I got closer she was amazing whenwe were apart" Sally whisper.
Nick  kissed Sally lovingly.
"Phyllis loves you she hate seeing you hurt as do I do" Nick whisper.
"I got a surprise after the party" Nick whisper.
"A night alone with MINE man I am so in" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally as he undid her nightie.
"We better get up later tonight I promised baby" Sally whisper then button her nightie up.
"I hold you to that Miss Spertca" Nick whisper kissing her lovingly.
"I know you will honey" Sally whisper.

"Dad it beautiful I love it thankyou" Sally said opening the present from her father.
"Happy birthday Sweetheart" Jack replied then hugged his daughter.
" Mine turn" Phyllis announced handing her daughter a check of 50 thousand dollars.
" Mum this way to much" Sally announced.
"Sweetheart it to opening you fashion house" Jack said.
"It from all of us all the birthday we missed Sally" Kyle announced.
" Happy birthday Sis" Summer replied then hug Sally.
"Summer's idea  she want a fresh start"  Faith added.
Sally and Summer hugged each other tightly.
Nick watch as Sally was welcome by Phyllis Summer and Kyle.

Sally and Nick were kissing each other as they sneak upstairs after the cake was cut.
Nick opening their room as Sally unbotten his shirt letting the door close
Nick pinned Sally to the door unzipped her dress.
"Hot baby SEXY" Nick whisper picking Sally up kissing her loving.
Nick let Sally down on the bed.
Nick unclipped her bra and kissed down her neck.
"You so sexy Nick" Sally whisper kissing him lovingly
"You hot as hell Sally" Nick whisper
Sally kissed her man as Nick pulled the sheet over them.

"Now that same make up sex"  Sally whisper laying beside Nick.
"We should break up more offen just to have hot make up sex" Nick joked.
"I don't want to break up again we couldn't do it for a month" Sally whisper touching Nick's cheek.
"That cause we in love with each other" Nick whisper.
Sally look at Nick.
Sally kissed Nick and cuddle in his arms.
"Marry me Sally Spertca" Nick whisper.
"Baby be serious we been only back together for a few weeks" Sally replied.
Nick took  a box out of his jacket pocket.
"I am Sally be mine wife marry me" Nick whisper opening the box as Sally  saw a beautiful ring inside.
Sally kissed Nick.
"I be honoured to be your wife YES a thousand times YES I be you wife Nick" Sally replied then kissed Nick.
Nick put the ring on Sally's finger.
"I love you Nick Newman" Sally whisper.
"Sally Spertca I love you to" Nick whisper then kissed his fiancee.

Morning beautiful we really got engaged last night" Nick whisper kissing Sally's forehead.
Sally smiled.
"Yes we did I hope Summer and Mum okay with it" Sally whisper.
Trust me baby they happy for us I ask if they be ok if I proposed to you and they were overjoyed" Nick  said.
Sally kissed Nick.
"I am so in love with you Nick you make me so happy honey" Sally whisper.
" I love you to now let go tell everyone we engaged" Nick whisper.

"Sally said yes Dad" Faith asked seeing a ring on Sally's  hand.
" Everyone know" Nick asked.
"No not Jack that you job Dad" Summer teased.
Sally tooked Nick's hand.
"Honey I will plan the wedding it be a day to remember congratulations baby girl" Phyllis replied hugging her daughter.
" I go tell Jack Sally you coming" Nick whisper.
"Mum and I be their when you tell him" Sally teased.
"Thanks for the support babe" Nick replied then kissed his finance.

" I glad you two decide you can work you relationship out Nick Sally and the baby going need you" Jack announced.
" I not going anywhere we got news Jack" Nick said putting an arm around Sally.
"You asked mine daughter to marry you" Jack announced.
"You know dad" Sally whisper.
"Kyle told me and I see the ring Sally I thrilled honey congratulations" Jack replied hugging Sally.

Nick was kissing Sally's neck that night as they were alone.
"Nick we really getting married it no dream" Sally whisper unbotten Nick's shirt.
Nick picked Sally up and put her on the bed.
Sally took her nightie off leaving her naked in front of Nick.
Nick kissed Sally deeply as they end up kissing hungrily falling in the bed.

Flo enter the coffee shop the following week after seeing Sally and Nick were so happy outside laughing and kissing.
"Are you still in town?" Summer asked see her dad and Sally enter  the coffee shop holding hands
"I thought Sally ended their relationship" Flo said seeing Nick pulled Sally in his arms and kissed her lovingly.
"They got back together and guess what they engaged touch mine sister again I will make you pay" Summer replied then walked off as Sally kissed Nick lovingly.

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