Twenty one

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Flo smiled entered the coffee-house knowing all about Sally and Nick burst up the night before.
"Lily thankyou I know know Nick won't be to eager to married Sally now" Flo announced handed over Lily five hundred dollars.
"They do have a newborn they might get past this argument" Lily announced.
"Sally going to finally paid for torture me" Flo announced as Nick enter with Faith.
"Dad you can't ironge Sally she does love you" Faith announced.
"Maybe us were never meant to last" Nick thought then saw Flo.
"Nick I did try to warn you Sally bored and your son will suffer" Flo announced.

"Eat something please Sally" Jack announced putting some food in front of Sally.
Ethan giggle from his bouncer.
Sally text Nick again.
"I love you and Ethan so much we can't be over honey" Sally text to Nick.

Nick was in the rest room when he found out he left his phone at the table.
"Sharon is mine phone here?" Nick asked.
Flo read Sally message then delete it and then spoke up.
"It's here" Flo announced.
Nick smiled at Flo.
"Thankyou Flo" Nick replied smiling at the women who he alway thought as crazy.

Nick had dinner with Flo.
"It one night forget you fiancee for a few hours" Flo flirting.
"You gorgeous Flo" Nick whisper.
Flo got Nick back at her hotel room and suddenly kissed Nick lovingly.
Nick got Flo dress off and runned kisses down her neck.
"Where Wyatt?" Nick asked.
"We not really working out" Flo announced.
"I shouldn't be here" Nick announced back off.
"You deserve better then Sally it funny I plan this I found Lily and brought her into your life" Flo announced grinning at Nick.
"I WAS STUPID TO BELIEVE YOU" Nick screamed then left.

Nick walked into his house to see Jack and Phyllis doting on Ethan.
"Where's Sally" Nick whisper.
"Shower are you okay?" Jack asked.
Nick went upstairs.
"Nick hi honey I'm sorry about early" Sally whisper.
"I am the biggest idiot" Nick thought looking at Sally.
"I made out with Flo before I find out she brought Lily into our life I so sorry Sally" Nick whisper looking Sally in the eyes.
"NO NICK TELL ME YOU JOKING" Sally yelled starting to cry.
Nick had tears in his eyes.
"Forgive me Sally " Nick whisper taking her hand.
"DID YOU HAD SEX WITH FLO NICK!" Sally screamed.
"No I didn't I left knowing I cheated on you" Nick sobbed.
"GET OUT NICK " Sally screamed.
"I go but I love you Sally we will get past this" Nick whisper.
"I need time Nick how could you I love you I hope flo was worth destroying our family NICK NEWMAN " Sally screamed as Phyllis came in.
"What going on?" Phyllis asked seeing her daughter crying hard.
"Nick just toss US away for Flo GET OUT NICK" Sally screamed crying harder.

Nick drove around and called in at the coffee-house to see Sharon and Faith closing up.
"Dad I thought you be with Sally and Ethan?" Faith asked as Flo and Wyatt walked in.
"Hi Nick how things with Sally and Ethan" Wyatt asked.
"Why NOT asked Flo she kissed me  tonight told me you were over and destroyed mine relationship with Sally" Nick replied.
"Flo is this true" Wyatt snapped.
"Okay yes but I saved Nick from marrying Sally" Flo announced.
"You unbelievable Flo we done" Wyatt snapped then left angry but wanted to check on Sally.

Sally was looking at Ethan who was asleep.
"No matter what happen Ethan I know your Daddy loves you" Sally whisper.
Sally heard a message come thought on her phone.
Sally saw it was Wyatt.
"Hoped you okay Sally you don't deserve this I sorry I ever hurt you" Wyatt texted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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