Charpter ELEVEN

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"You broke up why?" Phyllis asked seeing her daughter was devastated.
"Flo won't going hurt Nick if we NOT together" Sally whisper trying not to cry.
Phyllis hug Sally.
"I love Nick so much Mum" Sally whisper then bursting into tears.
Phyllis held her daughter as she cried.
" Honey you be back together soon I proud of you Sally" Phyllis whisper.
Thank for be here Mum" Sally whisper.
"Alway baby girl I love you Sally get some sleep" Phyllis whisper as Sally cuddle in the bed.
"They broke up WHY" Summer asked shocked her father and Sally broke up the night before.
"Sally couldn't handle Flo alway in their relationship she devastated Summer" Jack replied as Phyllis came in the room.
"Sally asleep mine poor baby devastated she sacrifice her happiness to keep Nick's safe" Phyllis replied.
"Sally doesn't need to I need to see Sally" Nick replied appearing at the door.
"Sally asleep give her some space" Jack whisper.
" Fine I back of tonight but I not giving up on your daughter I'm in love with Sally" Nick replied then left.

" Sharon hi I forget Faith sorry Sally suddenly broke up with me tonight" Nick whisper seeing his ex wife and Faith at his door.
"You broke up WHY you where going proposed in a few weeks" Faith asked confused her father and Sally broke up.
"Sally got scared because of Flo" Nick thought.
"Really Sally good for you you are so happy when you with her" Sharon said.
"Flo broke us apart I not given up on Sally we got our baby to think of" Nick said.
"Jack and Phyllis will watched Sally she NOT alone" Sharon said as Nick broke down.

Sally was looking at the sky missing Nick at two am and suddenly started crying.
Jack found her daughter out on the balcony in tears.
"Honey you should be asleep" Jack said.
"I alright Dad" Sally whisper wiping away her tears.
Jack hugged his daughter.
"Try to go back to sleep" Jack said.

Sally was working on her design at JC a few weeks later.
Flo enter the office holding Wyatt's hand.
"I heard you got dump Sally to bad Nick finally saw you true colour" Flo announced smiling enjoying Sally be miserable.
Nick have convinced Sally to see him after her doctor appointment.
"Just get lost I am busy Flo" Sally snapped as Lauren come in Sally office.

"Nick not joining us today?" Nate asked.
"He stuck at work" Sally whisper.
Nate did any ultrasound showing Sally was fifteen weeks the baby was heathly.
"Just slow down a bit okay Sally" Nate said.

Sally was waiting for Nick as he turned up an hour later.
"Sorry I late got held up at work" Nick replied wanting to grabbed Sally and kissed her.
"Baby heathly we did the right thing we won't work" Sally whisper.
" That's crap like this breakup I missed you Sal" Nick whisper.
Sally grabbed him and their lip crash together.
Sally unbotten Nick's shirt as Nick run kisses down her neck.
"Want me to stop" Nick whisper.
"Dont you dare" Sally whisper getting his shirt off as Nick got them inside and shut the door and lock it.
Sally kissed Nick hungrily not believing how much she missed him.
"Make love to me" Sally whisper as Sally's dress joined his shirt on the floor.

"So our break up over" Nick whisper stroking Sally's bare back.
Sally nodded.
"I missed you to honey I love you" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally's forehead.
"I love you to Sally" Nick whisper.
"I'm sorry I thought I was saving you a life from Flo's endless revenge" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally lovingly and her arms went to his face as their lips met again.

Nick look at the clock it was just after six Sally and him spent all afternoon making love.
"Hey we will make us work we got our baby I want us I love you Sally" Nick whisper putting an arm on Sally's stomach.
"I love you to Nick and our baby" Sally whisper kissing him lovingly

Sally had called her mother who was thrill for Sally and Nick.
Phyllis was happy Sally was so proud of her and took risk to be with Nick.
"Let throw a big party on Friday I love you honey" Phyllis announced.
"I love you to Mum I see you tomorrow" Sally replied.

life love and all good in the world Crossover #YR #boldandthebeautiful Where stories live. Discover now