Chapter Fifteen

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Sally was getting ready for a night at Phyllis.
"You be mine wife in twenty-four hours Miss Spertca" Nick whisper enter the bedroom in a towel.
"Cant wait honey" Sally whisper then kissed Nick softly.
"Tell me why we spending the night apart?" Nick asked.
"Tradition it ONE night Nick I be with Mum and Summer" Sally said.
Nick pulled Sally on the bed.
"I love you Sally I going watch a movie with Faith" Nick said.
"Crazy night plan then" Sally whisper putting her arms around Nick.
"Sally you ready " They heard Phyllis called.
"I love you Nick relax and have fun with Faith"
Sally whisper kissing Nick then grabbed her bag  and got into Phyllis's car

"Summer try to Inronge Flo theart Sally and you will have fun tonight" Kyle whisper.
"It hard to forget I feel for Sally the pysco should be lock up" Summer replied seeing her mother pulled up.

Nick was pulling out a necklace for Sally he got her as a wedding gift as gunfire.
"NO MORE GAMES SALLY I WILL MAKE YOU PAID TONIGHT" Nick heard Flo screamed hearing a gun go off.
Nick text Sally.
"Did you get safety to Phyllis baby" the text read.
"I fine honey have fun relaxed" Sally text back.
"Sal's safe" Nick thought then called the police.
"OPENED UP SALLY!" Flo screamed pounding on the door
"Sally not here" Nick said opening the door.
"Yes I am it really none of your business" Nick snapped.
"Sally beneath everyone in her life she plays the victim very well but don't come cry to me when she destroyed you relationship with Summer and Faith" Flo announced.
"I won't abandon Sally like Wyatt did so I a idiot get out Florence and I mean out out of Sally and mines lives" Nick snapped dialing the police as Flo shot Nick in the arm.

Jack heard the gun fired and raced up stairs to Nick apartment.
Flo ran passed Jack as Nick passed out.
"Nick it be okay" Jack whisper.

Sally this isn't your fault" Jack said hugging his daughter.
"I was afraid Flo hurt Nick or worst Faith" Sally whisper trying not to cry.
"The bullet missed Nick he going be ok" Nate replied.

Sally stared out the window as Nick enter the bedroom a week later.
"We can't be together it TOO hard Nick she could have killed you last week" Sally whisper.
"I don't blame you at all Sal we not ending us again I love you baby" Nick whisper.
"I was so scared I would lose you I love you to but I can't Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally.
Sally pull away and stared at Nick.
"I am sorry Faith can't get hurt cause of me we will co parent this baby I am so sorry it to hard" Sally whisper then left Nick's place and bursted into tears.

"Nick Sally will come around" Phyllis announced two weeks later as Flo enter the coffee shop.
"Sally should be mine wife instead we both miserable" Nick whisper.
" You going found a lawyer and fight for the baby right Sally be a lousy parent" Flo announced happy she come between Sally and Nick hopefully for good this time.
"My baby NONE of you darm business" Nick snapped.

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