Chapter Eighteen

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Jack was at the airport waiting to picked up Coco as Flo and Wyatt walked up to him.
"Heard Sally gave birth to a boy I would say congratulations but Sally should be in jail why Nick still with Sally, I haven't à clue Sally not ever beautiful like I am" Flo announced.
"Flo baby it really you" Shauna announced coming off the plane.
"Jack Sally ok?" Coco asked
"Sally asked me to picked you up" Jack replied.
"The baby okay?" Coco asked.
"Yes Ethan a healthy baby  Sally is doing well" Jack replied .
"Ethan shouldn't never be born I feel for Nick he can do way better Sally be a lousy mother" Shauna announced as Flo laugh.
"Wow is Flo that insecure her MUMMY need to fight her battle" Jack snapped then put Coco's bag into his car.
"My mum right Sally trick Nick into a relationship" Flo announced then laugh.

Nick was looking at Ethan proud to be a father again as Sally was in the shower.
"Buddy I going love you and you Mummy forever" Nick whisper then kissed his son's forehead.
Sally came out of the shower looking at Nick and Ethan.
"Mine two favourites boys in the world" Sally whisper.
"You beautiful honey" Nick whisper then kissed Sally softly.
"I going feed Ethan then get him down" Sally whisper then kissed Nick's cheek.

"Sally a mother now" Shauna announced giving Flo a glass of wine.
"I sure Nick feel sorry for her they did break up briefly I do feel bad for that kid" Flo replied laughing as Wyatt enter the room with takeaway.
"What kid baby?" Wyatt asked.
"Miss Spertca's new baby" Shauna replied.
"Flo you need to quit torture Sally she done NOTHING to you since she left LA let it go Sally be a good mother"Wyatt snapped.
"Wyatt you meant to support me" Flo whined.
"No we over Flo we won't work.You could have killed Sally I over your endless vendetta I asked you to move on but you WONT we over and don't blame Sally this on you" Wyatt snapped this left as Flo burst into tears.

Flo enter the coffee shop to see Sally with Nick and their newborn baby a week later talking with Coco Sharon and Faith.
"OH HERE THE NEW MUM SELFISH WITCH WYATT DUMPED ME SALLY!" Flo screamed then grabbed Sally hot coffee and throw it at Sally.
"Hot Coffee you insane FLO" Nick shouted as Sharon got a wet cloth.
"Call the police" Nick snapped as Ethan began to cry.
"The coffee better not hit Ethan or I will press charges"Sallysnapped hearing her son crying as Coco grabbed Ethan
"I will press charges this time Miss Fluton" Nick said taking a look at Sally.

"Nick Sally be alright" Sharon announced waiting in the  waiting room as  Jack and Phyllis arrived.
"Sally and Ethan are both fine we waited to see if Sally be scar permanent " Nate announced.
"Can we see them?" Nick asked.
"Sure Sally is feeding  Ethan the police be called" Nate replied.
"Who throw hot coffee in public mine daughter deserves better I want Flo changed" Jack yelled.

"Miss Fluton haven't be treated you well I can have an AVO taken out Sally" Ray announced looking at Nick who look annoyed and worried about Sally.
Jack held Ethan as Sally and Nick made a statement to the police.
"Sally shouldn't be treated like this I  want Flo lock up" Phyllis announced.
Jack took Phyllis hand as they watched Ethan sleep.

Sally was staring  at Ethan who was sleeping soundly in his bassinet
"Mine beautiful boy I love you so much" Sally whisper as Nick enter the room.
"How our son" Nick whisper.
"I love Ethan so much" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally's forehead.
"You a great mother Sal today prove why I love you" Nick  whisper.

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