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Wyatt watched as Nick was kissing Sally in the corner of the room Jack ànd Phyllis's Christmas party.
"You ex can quit giving me the evil eye" Nick whisper in Sally's ear
Sally have forgotten her ex fiancee complete.
"Inronge him you know I'm over Wyatt you do trust me" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally lovingly.
"Yes I do baby I love you" Nick whisper.
"I love you to honey" Sally whisper cuddle in Nick's arms.

"I really screw Sally over she need to forgive me " Wyatt whisper at the bàr watching Nick and Sally sneak outside.
"My daughter happy back of MR Spencer" Jack said.
"We were happy we can be again I even will treated her baby as mine own" Wyatt announced.
"The baby is Nick's who Sally love so back of cause Flo screw up so you want to play with mine daughter's heart again " Jack replied.

Wyatt followed Sally and Nick outside.
"Sally wait up I am so sorry I dump you like I did we were amazing together give me another chance you know Nick will break your heart" Wyatt' announced.
"Just back off we together Wyatt I gave you a second chance but you happily screw that up for FLO who your love leave me out you be begging her back in two weeks" Sally snapped as Nick put his arms around her.
Sally look at Nick.
"Let go Sally" Nick whisper Sally and Nick left holding hands.

"Wyatt didn't love me why did I ever take him back who proposed without a ring our engagement was all about Flo who feeling I had to consider" Sally whisper as they enter their bedroom
Nick took Sally in his arms.
Nick kissed Sally lovingly.
Nick unzip Sally dress and runned kisses down her neck.
Nick unclipped Sally's bra.
Sally look at Nick taking his shirt off and leading him to their bed.

Sally look at her engagement ring as Nick stroke her bare back.
"I love you Sally let not wait to get married I want to be you husband" Nick whisper.
Sally look at Nick.
"Ok let get married soon like before the baby born" Sally whisper.
" More like today I love you Sally" Nick whisper.
"I wanted to be you wife to honey you know I love you but mine dress won't be finish until next week" Sally whisper.
"Next Saturday then" Nick whisper.

life love and all good in the world Crossover #YR #boldandthebeautiful Where stories live. Discover now