Chapter Twenty

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Nick woke the Friday morning before his wedding to Sally asleep beside him as Ethan stir in his crib.
Nick pick up his son and made his way downstairs.
Nick heard a knock it was Phyllis, Jack and Summer.
"Morning Ethan you letting your mummy sleep in" Phyllis asked.
"I just grabbed a bottle and you can feed Ethan" Nick said handing Ethan to Phyllis.
"Sally still asleep" Jack asked.
"No I awoke morning everyone" Sally announced walking downstairs as Coco come in with a bag full of pastries.
"I am stave thanks Coco" Nick announced smiling.
"Sally girl I made not be you Grams but I raised you" Shirley Spertca announced enter the house.
"Mum, Dad, Nick this is Shirley" Sally announced.
"Hi nice to see you again Shirley you did a great job Sally a terrific woman" Phyllis announced.
"Mum it safe to enter" James Spertca asked knocking on the door.
"Lilly you promise you raised Sally" Phyllis announced looking at her high school best friend.
"I did mine best but James didn't want kids he was really mad when I got pregnant with Coco" Lilly announced.
"You left not once care to call I was bearly ten" Sally whisper
"Sally you should be grateful we raised you unlike Phyllis who abandoned you at six weeks old" Lilly announced.
"I haven't seen you in twenty years Coco was three months old when you left" Sally replied then grabbed her bag and left.
"We watched Ethan" Jack announced picking up his grandson
"Sally wait up" Nick said.

Sally got into her car and Nick got into the passenger seat and Sally drove off.
"You mad I get that but don't let Lilly ruining our wedding we can deal with this together after the wedding" Nick whisper.
"I be a burden my whole life" Sally whisper stopping the car in a park and got out of the car
"I love you Sal" Nick whisper.
Sally kissed Nick.
"I love you to" Sally whisper then cuddle in his arms.
Nick kissed Sally's forehead.
"So Mum  and Dad  are  going mind Ethan tomorrow night" Sally replied.
"I booked a hotel room to give us some privacy" Nick whisper.
Nick drive them home and Nick and Sally got upstairs by sneaking in the back door
I thought you wanted to waited for tomorrow night" Nick whisper enjoying Sally running kisses down his neck.
"Make love to me honey" Sally whisper get her top of.
Nick smiled and kissed Sally lovingly and leading her to the bed.

Sally cuddle in Nick's arm as they lay in bed.
"That was amazing Sally I missed this" Nick whisper as Sally got on Nick's lap and kissed him down his neck.
"Honey we got all afternoon Mum and Dad got Ethan " Sally whisper.
"Ain't you curious why Lily here now?" Nick asked.
"I know why Lily here money that why" Sally whisper laying in Nick's arms.
Nick watch Sally get out of bed and wrapped a sheet around her.
"Maybe Lily will surprised you it had be àbout twenty years since she left she is you mum" Nick announced.
"Phyllis is MINE mother not Lily" Sally replied getting her pants and shirt and got dressed.
"Sal we need to talk" Nick said
"Ethan due for a feed" Sally replied then went out and downstairs.

Sally found Ethan asleep in his basket with Phyllis, Jack Summer and Kyle watching a movie.
"Sally we need to discuss Lily's role in Ethan's life" Nick announced.
"Her role is NOTHING just like she be for  over twenty years in mine life" Sally announced then saw Ethan was stirring.
"Lily you arguing over LILY" Phyllis announced.
"Lily wants money she doesn't cared about me or Ethan" Sally snapped as Ethan began to cry.
"Good one Nick" Sally snapped can't believe how quickly her and Nick gone from be happy to arguing over Lily.

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