Chapter TEN

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A few weeks later

Sally and Summer were going through fashion magazines as Nick,Jack and Phyllis walked into the house.
" Honey how the leg?" Phyllis asked.
"The cast come off on Friday it about time " Sally replied.
Nick walked behind Sally and put an arm around his girlfriend.
"I promised Faith a dinner just the three of us tonight" Nick said.
"Dad can you take me on Friday as Mum and Nick are both working Mine appointment at ten ?" Sally said.
"Sure honey I pick you up around nine" Jack replied kissed Sally's forehead.

Sally was kissing Nick as they shared a shower half an hour later.
"Let go to bed" Sally whisper taking Nick's hand.
"I'm not tried" Nick whisper.
"Who said anything about sleep Mr Newman" Sally whisper.
Nick picked Sally up and walked them to the bed.
Sally touched Nick's face.
" I'm so happy I am in love with you Sally" Nick whisper.
" Sweetheart I love you to" Sally whisper then kissed Nick lovingly as they fell on the bed kissing hungrily

"Now this is great us it perfect" Nick whisper stroking Sally's bare back.
Sally cuddle in Nick's arm.
" Move in with me Sally" Nick whisper.
"Yes I want us" Sally whisper.
Nick ran kisses down Sally's back hearing her moan his name.
"Mine baby want me" Nick whisper.
Sally put Nick close.
Nick kissed Sally lovingly.

Nick was kissing Sally as the heard a knock the following morning.
"You better be ready Sally" Summer asked.
"It nine already" Sally whisper getting out of bed.
"Mine daughter can wait" Nick whisper getting up and getting his pants.
Sally grabbed her bath robe.
"Relax Sally we doing nothing wrong we a couple" Nick whisper taking Sally's hand.
" You right and Summer knows about us" Sally replied then kissed Nick's cheek.
Nick suddenly kissed Sally lovingly.
I love you Sally" Nick whisper
"I love you to but I promised Summer and Faith we have a girl day" Sally whisper.

"Mine father's girlfriend pregnant I like you Sally and I going have a younger brother or sister and Dad happy" Faith said to Summer and Sally as the girls sat down for lunch.
"Hey Summer you be ironge mine text and phone call all week" Flo announced coming up to them.
"You made bail?" Summer asked.
"Yes Wyatt not happy I was arrested Spercta you be sorry see you Sally" Flo snapped.

"That woman DONT know when to stop" Nick was saying as Sally told him as Nick call Ray the local cop
"Honey dont I'm okay really I just wish Flo just leave me alone" Sally whisper taking the phone of Nick.
"Flo made threats against you Sally I won't lose you or our baby I love you Sally Spertca" Nick whisper.
"I love you to Nick you could have walk away so many time" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally's forehead.
"I would never leave you I NOT Wyatt baby" Nick whisper.
Sally touch Nick's face.
Nick pulled Sally in as their lip crash each other

Nick was stroking his girlfriend bare back as she lay in his arms the following morning
"You going be mine wife one day Sally" Nick thought  then look at her.
Sally kissed Nick softly
"Nick open up" They heard Flo yelled.
"Flo won't be happy until you end our relationship" Sally whisper.
" I get rid of her" Nick whisper getting his jeans and put them on.
" Flo won't come between us Sally I promised" Nick whisper and went to downstairs.
"I just warning you of Sally history she held me hostage" Flo announced taking Nick's hand.
Nick pulled away.
"Wow you almost KILLED Sally but she still a danger to you GO AWAY and touch mine girlfriend again I will make you pay" Nick replied then slam the door in Flo's face.

Sally sat at in the coffee shop with Summer and Phyllis.
"Did you and Nick have a fight honey?" Phyllis asked.
"No Flo just tried to break us again this morning" Sally whisper.
"Flo still at it what did Dad do" Summer asked feeling bad for Sally who been trying to keep her relationship with Nick together.
"He amazing I head over in heels in love with Nick Newman" Sally confess.

"Nick it not forever just a break if  she do something to you I never forgive myself" Sally whisper getting her stuff.
"No Flo won't win baby I love you to much" Nick whisper touching Sally's check
"I love you to Nick I'm sorry" Sally whisper.
" We be together again by the time our baby born" Nick whisper putting his hands on Sally's face.
Sally kissed Nick Nick run kisses down her neck.
"I need to go honey" Sally whisper.
Nick watch Sally get into Jack's car.
Nick felt tears rolling down his face.

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