Chapter NINE

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Two months later

Sally was flipping for bridesmaids dresses in Phyllis's kitchen
"Honey aren't you going design the dresses for the wedding?" Phyllis asked.
"Only if is okay with you Mum" Sally replied grabbing her crutches.
" I am fine with it sweetheart let me help you to the couch honey" Phyllis said taking Sally's hand.
"Thanks Mum " Sally replied.
"Doctor said I can get of these  by Friday" Sally announced as Jack and Summer walk through the door.
"Where Nick?" Jack asked.
""Gone to get Faith we got some news" Sally announced.
"Dad proposed double wedding" Summer replied.
"Congratulations Sally"Jack said.
"I'm pregnant okay" Sally announced worried how Phyllis will react.
"Honey that's wonderful news were you scared to tell me?" Phyllis asked.
"You be with Nick yes I was worried" Sally whisper.
"Congratulations Sally you be a good mother" Phyllis replied hugging Sally as Nick and Faith come in.
"Thanks Mum I fourteen weeks" Sally said.
"You were pregnant when Flo almost killed you" Jack asked shocked Sally didn't tell him.
"The baby heathly" Sally announced.
Phyllis watch Nick put his arms around Sally.
" I am happy for you two" Phyllis announced.
"Me to Dad Sally" Faith said smiling.

"They all happy for me us I can relax" Sally whisper sitting in Nick's lap às she join him on the balcony.
"I am in love with you Sally" Nick whisper in her ear.
" I love you to Nick and our baby" Sally announced then kissed Nick.

"Phyllis calm down Sally safe she has us Nick" Jack announced watching Phyllis paced their bedroom.
" That's pysco could had killed our daughter and grandchild  we lost so many years with Sally already" Phyllis replied grabbing her car keys
"Where you going it ten o'clock Phyllis" Jack asked.
"No one hurt my kids and get away with it" Phyllis replied.

Jack tooked Phyllis hand.
"I coming to make sure you don't overreact" Jack announced taking the car keys.
"Thankyou Jack" Phyllis said.

Phyllis  it's almost ten thirty" Flo announced opening up the door.
"You no longer welcome here you got fifteen minutes to get out" Phyllis replied angrily pushing Flo up against the door.
"You crazy I see that were Sally get her crazy behaviour from" Flo announced as Wyatt came out.
"Crazy Phyllis only protecting our daughter GET OUT" Jack snapped proud of Phyllis for putting Sally first.
"That 3000 thousands dollars" Phyllis announced as Wyatt hand over his credit card to pay.
"We stay 2 less night then plan you robbing us"Flo announced.
"You could have killed our daughter be happy she not changing you" Jack announced.
Wyatt paid then he took flo hand and left.

Sally was touching Nick's face as they shared a shower.
"You make me so happy Nick" Sally whisper.
"I glad I didn't scared you of by telling you I love you Sal" Nick whisper putting his arms around Sally and ran kisses down her neck.
Sally pulled Nick closer.
" I love you to Nick" Sally whisper.

Sally was moaning Nick's name as they made love.
"You can't get enough of me can you Sally" Nick whisper.
"Dont stop so good baby" Sally whisper as Nick pull the sheet over them.

Nick watch Sally sleep he was head after heal in love with Sally Nick saw it was after midnight he kissed Sally's forehead and put his arm around her and drift to sleep.

life love and all good in the world Crossover #YR #boldandthebeautiful Where stories live. Discover now