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Sally, Summer and Faith were spending the first Friday night in December putting up the Christmas tree at Phyllis and Jack's.
"You going have you fashion house up and running by next Christmas I just know it Sally"Summer said
"We going try to rent a space after the holidays Dad going help" Sally replied
"Sally are you and Dad still planning that trip for New Years" Faith asked.
"Yes we need a week alone" Nick replied coming in and kissed Sally's forehead.
Sally smiled at Nick.
"I love snow at Christmas" Faith said.
"Sally have you finish Mums dress yet" Summer said.
" It be finish by Monday I hope" Sally replied.
"We better get home I want to show you something" Nick whisper taking Sally's hand.

"This what the secret project been" Sally asked seeing the crib and rocking horse.
"Yes for our child do you like them Sally?" Nick asked.
"I love them baby I love you to Nick"Sally whisper then kissed her fiancee.
" I love you to Sally and our baby"Nick rubbing Sally's back.
"Our baby" Sally whisper smiling.
Nick kissed Sally feeling her arms go around his neck.
Nick run kissed down Sally's neck unzip her dress.
Nick let Sally lead them to their bedroom.
Sally heard the doorbell ring.
"Inronge it baby" Nick whisper then kissed Sally as they feel on the bed kissing hungrily.
Nick let Sally get his shirt off as they heard a big bang from downstairs.
Nick grabbed his shirt.
"Stay here honey" Nick whisper then put his shirt of then went downstairs.

"Hi Nick nice weather heard you back with Sally WHY" Flo demanded.
"That none of you bloody business I calling the cops I swear you hurt Sally again I will make you pàid" Nick snapped
"I done NOTHING to your fiancee she doesn't deserve you an idiot to get back with Sally you deserve better Nick" Flo announced.
"Stop harassing Sally and Me we NOT breaking up cause you a sad misable a woman who won't let anything go Sally paid for what she did to you but did you really paid for stealing a newborn baby" Nick snapped.
"Wyatt dump me for six weeks and Hope bearly talk to me for eighteen months" Flo announced.
"And that how Sally fault?" Nick snapped.
"Yes Sally traumatised me she a pysco I doing you a favour if you end you relationship with Sally now it better for you and your daughter Faith" Flo announced.

Sally lay awake in Nick's arms.
"We make à police report in the morning she theatern you and Faith" Nick said.
"I couldn't handle if she hurt Faith she your little girl Nick Flo doesn't care who she hurt as long as I paid" Sally said getting out of bed.
Sally went to the bathroom and throw up and notice she was bleeding.
"NICK" Sally screamed.

Nick paced the waiting room.
"Sally and the baby both heathly Sally need less stress in her life" Nate announced seeing Nick worried.
Nick saw Ray get of the lift.
"I can make Flo stop harassing Sally right now" Ray announced.
"Good my fiancee and baby come first" Nick replied.

Sally agree to take out an AVO out on Flo.
Nick touch Sally's face.
" I love you Sally" Nick whisper.
Sally kissed Nick.
"I want to protect our baby" Sally whisper signing the AVO.

Wyatt answer the door the following morning as Flo got out of bed.
"We need to see MISS FULTON" Ray announced coming in the room.
"Whatever Sally saying now she lying again" Flo announced.
"You not to go near MISS Spertca or Mr Newman they file this" Ray announced handing Flo the AVO.
"This a joke right" Flo asked seeing Sally and Nick took an AVO out on her.
"Nick putting his fiancee and baby first" Ray announced.
"This a bit far isn't is I get Flo accidentally almost killed Sally but Sally no angel" Wyatt replied angry at his ex.
"Sally really moving on" Wyatt thought a bit jealous of Nick.

life love and all good in the world Crossover #YR #boldandthebeautiful Where stories live. Discover now