Charpter Seven

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Phyllis watched as Nick and Sally were kissing during Sally's birthday party.
"Come on Summer I thought we were friends" Flo announced trying to get inside the hotel.
"You be order to stay away from Sally" Summer announced.
"Wyatt angry at me and it ALL Sally's fault" Flo replied seeing Phyllis walked up to her.
"YOU NEED TO GO" Phyllis announced.
"I'm just catching up with Summer relax Sally is still alive" Flo announced laughing.
Nick came up to them.
"I can't believe you all falling for Sally's act she using you all" Flo announced angrily.
"You the one who cut Sally's car breaks" Nick snapped.
"It was a JOKE I never killed Sally calm down" Flo replied.
"Cutting my daughter's car breaks a joke to you" Jack announced hearing what Flo say.
"I am going Mr Abbott I so glad your daughter okay" Flo announced then left.
"Where's is Sally?" Nick asked.
Sally look at the pregnancy test it was positive.
"I'm pregnant Nick and I only started dating
"Sally you okay?" Nick asked as Sally wrapped the test up in toilet paper and throw it in the bin.
Sally washed her face and open the door.
"I couldn't stand seeing Flo it's stupid I know" Sally whisper.
"Not at all your father throw her out" Nick whisper then kissed Sally softly.
"I love you Nick" Sally whisper.
"I love you to Sally are you sure you okay" Nick whisper taking her hand.
"I just did a pregnancy test it was positive Nick we barely be dating two months and I am pregnant" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally softly.
Nick tooked Sally's hand.
"You NOT angry" Sally asked.
"Hey a baby US it not going be bad I àm happy congratulations Sal I am love with you" Nick whisper.
"I love you to Nick" Sally whisper touching Nick's face.
Nick kissed Sally loving unzipping her dress.
Nick watch us Sally let her dress fall on the floor.
"You sexy as hell" Nick whisper.
Sally lay back on the kissing Nick

Sally lay in Nick's arms.
"I call the doctor in the morning to confirm I am pregnant" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally.
Sally cuddle in Nick's arm and fall asleep.

Nick woke the next morning to a loud banging at the door.
"What time is it?" Sally asked.
Nick glanced at the clock it read 6:08 am
"Too early for visitors" Nick whisper then kissed Sally's forehead then grabbed his shirt and pants on the ground.
"NICK OPEN UP" they heard Flo yelled.
Sally kissed Nick.
"Ironge Flo we can have a few repeats of last night" Sally whisper then kissed Nick loving.
Nick pulling his shirt of and runned kisses down Sally's bare back glad it was Saturday.
"Dont stop so good" Sally whisper moaning Nick name as the knocking stop.

Nick and Sally enter the coffee house for  lunch with Jack.
"Nick thank goodness you okay I be concerned all morning worried Sally be holding you hostage" Flo announced.
"Wow you still judging Sally" Nick snapped taking Sally's hand.
"Sally held me against mine will she a danger to people" Flo announced.
You getting stuck in by Sally's charm I am worried for you safety and not to mention Summer's and Faith.
"Knew we should have stay in bed today" Nick whisper in Sally's ear.
"You broke up  Wyatt and me stay out of mine new relationship it none of your business Flo" Sally snapped then Nick lead Sally out of the coffee house.

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