Chapter 1: GOODBYE

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6:35 AM the alarm clock started doing  its job. Those annoying sounds that wanted to separate me from the current  relationship  I had with my bed.
I streched my armtrying to reach it but ended up falling of my bed GREAT! was the day I wanted to escape from.
  I was leaving . I was saying goodbye to my house, My best friends they are so much more than that ; They are  my family . I just  couldn't  imagine not being able to see them to have them beside me. Ever since mom left they took me in in each of they're families  Jake and Victoria were clearly  my escape . They took  the "I'll never leave you " promise  really  seriously  and I am forever grateful.

Victoria and her dad are taking me to the airport but before we left I needed to say good bye To Jake. How could I leave without  that?
-I am going to miss you Jake whispered with his eyes full of tears as he hugged me so tight that my feet couldn't touch the ground anymore they were around his hips now . My heart broke in half  he was allways so expresive and open about his emotions with us,  he showed us that boys do cry and that doesn't mean they're weak. Crying isn't weakness ,he showed me sometimes we do need to cry and that we should  never be ashamed of it.

-I'll  miss you even more I  whispered back letting tears flow down my cheeks.
I didnt want to let him go  and I'm  sure he didn't want to let me go either. But I needed to go and he had class and he was going to school even if he didn't want to go .It would be too hard to get on that plane if both them were standing   on the airport's door. f

The car ride was silent we where basically  just  hugging in the car as  we holded on to eachother ,she was resting her head on my shoulder. All you could hear was the loud sniffs we maid trying  not to cry . We both tried to talk...but neither  of us could pronounce anything. The words didn't come out of our mouths.

Her dad stoped the car and as a quick reaction Victoria holded me even tighter.
-Jess we are here sweetheart his sweet tone of voice didnt hide how sad he was feeling right now. Who Could blame him ?
He  was seeing the best of friends Say goodbye.
My heart skip'd  a beat Ever since my mother died, I've  been   terrified of planes It's the most normal reaction I could get after my mother passed away. Victoria came with me and I murmured a cheerless goodbye to her dad and thanked him for everything he had done for me all these time.

As much as I hated it I had to say goodbye to her.  I had to say goodbye to one of the most special persons in my life. We gave each other another breathtaking hug letting go all of the tears we had been holding in.

-Goodbye I cried and believe me when  I say I  cried hard I had so much to say to her  but my own  sobs didn't let me.

-Remember I love you ok? Call me every time you can I  dont care When or Where I am I'll answer right away  I promise. Victoria cried with a broken tone of voice.

-I love you too and ofcourse I will . We'll  be talking all the time. Remember this isnt forever I mumbled holding her even tighter if that was possible.

Neither of us wanted to let go...I didn't wanted to leave her I didn't  but we both knew I needed to go...
We letted go and she walked outside crying . My life had just fallen apart before my eyes and I knew life was never going to be the same again.

- Good Bye I murmured looking at the airport hall full of amusing hellos and heartbreaking Goodbyes.


Writer' s note :

Please comment ... tell me if you like it ... this is kind of  my firs't story Thanks for reading .

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