Chapter 2:First impresions

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   I got in the airplane shaking of fear, my heart raced faster than ever . It felt like it was going to get out of my chest.
I couldnt be more terrified. My legs were shaking  and my hands were sweaty , I was a walking mess.
What if the airplane crashed? How could I be sure that It would be safe? I couldnt even imagine how scared my mother was the moment she realized  she wasn't comming back ...
My mind was running  really fast  and I needed to clear my mind.Nothing better than music. My eyelids felt heavy as I putted my headphones  and listened to music. Next thing i knew I was asleep....

I woke up the the plane  had finally landed.
-Thanks Jesus! I said out loud
-For? The grown man sitting beside me asked raising  an eyebrown.
-Oh, not you sir I apologized and got down as fast as I could. Well that was ackward.

I felt so stupid realising I had really no idea of who was going to  pick me up. The social workers said it was a Family member. But I think  they didn't consider the fact that I had never had contact with my mother's part of the family. Why? She never told me...My family  was really small my dad is an only child and my grandparents couldn't  take care of me right now. My brother went living with him after the divorce our contact has been almost  unexisting  ever since but that's why my mother decided to travel she wanted us to be together again... Everyone wonders  the same thing Why didn't go with my dad...That's a different  story.

I was walking around trying  to  find the bathroom you know human necesites... when I bumped into someone.

- I'm so  sorry ,I am, really distracted . The man quickly gived an apology.

-Don't worry and excuse me for the question but why?
I wondered curiously.

- Im looking for my nephew it's been quite some time Ive been looking ...A few hours to be exactly.
-I think I can help you with that. How does he look like? I questioned.

-That's the problem I actually  don't know he answered nervious he looked really concerned he had a worried frown and he's eyes traveled across the Hall looking for his nephew.

- Don't worry I'm sure we will find him . What's his name? I asked atleast he needed to know that... Thanks is if he is really looking for someone...

 - Jess his name is Jess he amswered quickly as my eyes went wide. Is this a  joke ? Because if it's a coincidence it's really creeping me out.

- Gosh thats just wow I whispered  amused. It Couldnt  be , I mean I'm a girl!

-Whats wrong? he asked.

-Are you looking for the "son"  of your sister Amanda? I asked nervously expecting an answer.

-Yes have you seen  him? He started to question what I said.

-I  know "him" sir , I know him  because I am Jess, my name is Jessica

I was just waiting for  his reaction ,   sudenly he hugged me so hard that i could not breath.

- I cant breath I exclaimed reaching for air.

- Fortunate turn of events....Youre not a boy...come with me he said smiling. The type of smile that makes you want to smile back.

On the Bright side I had some one but in other hand i was actually, scared  a mix of feeling all cooked together. I didn't  knew anything  about  him and I was more scared of what could happen next.

-Tell me about your life Jess he said encouraging me to talk freely without feeling ackward . I'm afraid that's not possible...

-Well you know I mumbled . Every time I talked about my mother my heart broke and I couldn't  hold my  tear's in. I took a deep breath and kept talking...My life well, I supposed you know your sisters story, my family's story he noded a few times .
So about me .... I'm sixteen years old soon to be seventeen, I'm definitely a girl, I have the  two best friends in the
Universe , I love hearing music its my escape and I miss with my entire life
the best person I could have ever known my mother I  finished .
-It's ok Jess I miss her  too. I miss her. More  than you think , although we got distant over the years thats one of the things I'll regret the most.

-What about your's ? I wondered to change the upsetting subject.

-Well You have a big cousen . I  have a son  5 year's older than you I bet you would really like him in fact you have similarities like the color of you eyes Jessica .

- That's fantastic  I replied smiling I don't want to be alone in this undiscovered  place, everything is knew to me here.

-What kind of music do you like  Jess ?? He asked  changing the topic radically. As if he remembered something .

-Almost every kind of music uncle ....can I call you like that? He nodded while smiling .

-Do you like boy bands? He asked chuckling a little..

-Do I look like a boy band girl uncle ? I argued chuckling .
He grinned  a little a my coment.

-I don't like most but ofcourse there are a few exceptions.


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