chapter 13

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A while later, Mark and Sara had Ghostbusters on to pass time on waiting for pizza. Steve watched with them, sitting in his favorite chair while the twins and Miralce took the couch and LP took the chair from the other side of the room far from the front door. The doorbell rang. Steve was about to get up and answer the door. Miracle was really getting into the movie.

"I'll get it." LP walked over to the door and opened it.

There came a girl who looked a lot like Columbia with some hints of Rocky who came in. "Extra gooey cheese pizza with ham, pepperoni and bacon for y'all!" she called chipper as a chipmunk.

Steve stood up and paid for it, taking the pizzas and allowing LP to put them on the kitchen counter. "Thank you, young lady."

"Sure thing!" the girl giggled. 

Miracle looked at the girl.

Steve paid the girl. "Thanks again."

"Sure!" the dark blonde-haired girl smiled, then looked over to Miracle, catching her glimpse. "Can I help you?"

LP licked her finger a little as some cheese slid out onto her and she went back to join Mark and Sara in the movie.

"Oh, nothing, just that you're pretty." Miracle covers up.

"Oh, thank you." the girl giggled a bit. "Well, I better get goin' then, have a nice afternoon and enjoy your pizza." she seemed to have a skip in her steps as she went back to the delivery car with the diner logo on it and she got in to drive off to her next location.

Steve went to cut the pizza and got plates for the others with glasses of soda pop.

"That girl looked so familiar..." LP whispered to Miracle. 

Miracle nodded.

"You don't think she might be related to..." LP's voice trailed off.

"Come on, guys, get some pizza!" Mark called. 

Miracle nodded. LP, Miracle, Mark, Sara, and Steve then ate their pizza. After LP finished, she decided she should be getting back to David and see how he is without her, probably missing her too. Steve told her she was welcome back anytime as was Miracle and she transported herself back to Transsexual without anyone knowing. 

Steve was still anxious about his date later tonight as he stared at the tiny box he had bought. "Maybe it's too soon..." He went to put the box away. 

Miracle stopped him. "How long have you known her?" She asks.

"About four years, she's always done things for me like a wife, but that was her job, she's my secretary at work." Steve explained, bashfully smiling as he remembered having those moments with the woman named Judy. "She makes my coffee just the way I like it and I'm the only one who remembers her birthday and sometimes I give her something special for when she would work on Valentine's Day..."

Miracle smiled. "That's long enough... Plus, you love her right?" She asks.

"Yeah..." Steve admitted, shuffling his feet.

Miracle nodded. "Then it's the perfect time." she says.

"You think so?" Steve's eyes seemed to twinkle.

Mark and Sara didn't seem to be paying much attention to the conversation with their 'sister' and uncle. Miracle nodded, smiling.

Steve thought about it and smiled, clutching the ring box back. "You're right... I'll do it... Tonight is the night." 

Sara smiled, very happy for his optimism. Miracle smiled too.

"I'll still go tonight," Steve was motivated now. "Do you still mind looking after Mark and Sara for me?"

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