chapter 15

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LP found herself able to settle from crying and sat up on her bed, wiping her tears. "Yes?"

Mark and Sara were quiet.

"LP, it's us." Miracle tells her friend.

LP sat up on her bed, wiping more tears and opened. "Oh, hello... Mark, Sara, nice to see you again..."

Sara took out a hanky for the older one.

"Thank you..." LP took it and walked in, sitting on her bed again as she dried her eyes. "I don't know if you saw, but the soldiers are preparing a memorial service for Joey..."

"Oh, LP~" Miracle coos softly. She hugged her friend.

LP started to bawl as she hugged Miracle.

"Who names their daughter Joey anyway?" Mark scoffed.

Sara hit the back of his head, glaring at him. "Show some respect!"

Miracle hugged her friend tightly. Her eyes filling with tears.

"Thank you..." LP whispered.

Miracle rocked her friend gently.

"Thank you, Mir..." LP whispered.

Sara patted the girl's arm. "My dad's gone too... Though, you already know that... And it feels like I'll never see my mom again..."

Mark hugged his sister then, actually having sympathy for her. Miracle hugged them all. Sara and Mark bore silent tears as they were in the hug.

"Thank you both so much..." LP soothed as she shook a little in her speech.

Miracle hugged them all.

"Sorry guys... This is just so hard... To lose a sister..." LP said softly.

Mark looked like he didn't care, but if you looked in his eyes, he actually looked sorry and sad.

"I'm sure my uncle could relate." Sara spoke up. "How's your family?"

"A wreck," LP sighed. "Daddy's pondering what to do like that Hamlet guy and Nation spends a lot of her time in Joey's room just miserable."

Frank was sitting in the first row of the memorial service to be held in the throne room, he kept staring at the picture of little Joey on the beach as a tear rolled down his cheek. "My poor baby..."

Miracle sighed softly.

"Sometimes I feel like they made a mistake and Daddy's still out there though." Sara spoke up.

"Sara..." Mark rolled his eyes.

"We could try to find Daddy and maybe Joey's alive too, if we just try!" Sara insisted.

Miracle looked curious.

"Sara, Dad died, Mom saw him fall in that trapeze act." Mark recited, having been told about his late father a thousand times.

"Just trust me, okay?" Sara was mad her brother wouldn't listen to her.

"How can you be so sure?" LP asked the human girl.

"It's called a gut feeling," Sara explained. "It's when you feel something inside your body and you're sure of something... Like a sense that you aliens have."

"I believe you, Sara." Miracle assures.

Sara felt better and had a small smile like Janet's.

"That girl is so much like her mother." LP couldn't help but whisper.

Miracle smiled.

"I don't know where Daddy and your sister are, but they're alive." Sara spoke up proudly.

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