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SONG - Something, Dayglow


The sun was coming up. I could see it seep through the basement window crevasses and over the shiny metal of Wisdom. They were almost finished, a couple more weeks of programming to be exact, and they were finally ready for the real world but for now, they were my little secret or my plan is ruined. I rubbed my tired eyes as I closed the bright screen of my computer off and focused my attention on the masterpiece in front of me with a smile.

Wisdom was a project in working for a while, three years to be exact and through all the blood, sweat and tears I had laid to get everything perfect no one was going to admire the piece of art I had created, no one was going to give me a pat on the back. I would be frowned upon, banished by my own blood, the wealthy would laugh in my face.

So, Wisdom would stay in my basement, locked away from everyone and only created for my own company. I got up from my desk, and while locking the door I listened to the footprints run across the house. I made sure that I made it up the stairs and passed the door unnoticed.

"Good morning Mr. Davidson." Or so I thought unnoticed.

"Good morning Conway." I ran my hands through my hair trying to look somewhat presentable for the butler in front of me who, really knew how to make a confused look pretty noticeable.

"I accidentally feel asleep downstairs watching some videos." I lied before he could question me and he proceeded with a quick nod.

"Right Mr. Davidson, videos."
"Yeah uh- for educational purposes." I had to shut up before I made this any less awkward then it was already getting.
"Of course, are you ready for the party? Should I reach out to your designers?"

Shit, he was correct, the party was tonight. It was the big night where the wealthy would come in designer clothing, the women would bet on their ideal type of man but for me, it only meant free drinks and being criticized on my lack of care for the world from Toby.

"I suppose." I fondly said and he only gave me a slight nod, walking into the golden distance of large photo frames and floral wallpaper. I stood underneath the large chandelier that dripped crystals contemplating how I could've approached that situation in a believable manner.

My mother now stood in front of me with her lace red dress hitting the floor, she did a little spin before shinning a light smile.
"Do you think it's too much? Your father said the color was too noticeable."
"You look beautiful mom." I said in a quiet manner while her smirk turned into a bright smile.
"Hopefully I don't blow the whole party away then." She made her way towards me, fixing a strain of my hair to then both of her cold hands on my cheeks.

"You are going to blow the party away tonight George, you are such a handsome young boy."
I gave a light smile before thanking her with a kiss on her cheek. She didn't make much conversation afterwards, making her way up the long spiral stairs.

I glanced at my silver watch to check the time and noticed that I was late. If I didn't meet Toby in time to give him the confidence he needed for tonight, it would be a year of me listening to him blabber about how bad of a friend I was.

I grabbed my coat from the rack and ran out into the garden, past the waving gardeners who yelled at me when I jumped over the flowers for a quicker route to the president's home.

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