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SONG: Daylight, Maroon 5


I stood in front of the café as the rain started to cascade down my drenching clothing as I watched the neon sign turn off. I waited, pressing my palms against the misty window as I had a silent slim chance of hope that Karl would walk out for the night.

I was wrong, I needed him, I needed his help.

Then, in front of my water filled eyes the boy appeared, his silhouette appeared as the rain washed over us.
"No, not happening." Is all he exclaimed before slamming the door back closed, locking it and arms crossed as he watched me press my face against the glass.

"Karl, hon I am so sorry." I begged, my breathe stabbing the glass as he just stared. I couldn't see his face, so opaque in the darkness of the closed lights.

"Karl." I yelled in the pouring clear crystals that hit the only block between us.
"Go away Nick." Is all he mumbled through the glass which was barely audible.
"I'm not leaving you please, I need your help!" I banged on the glass and he jumped. I stood back and he opened up the door quickly, running right past me.

"Karl please wait."
"Why Sapnap?" He yelled as the rain poured his ravishing hair down his face. "So you could use me again for love, I don't do love!" He started to make his way down the path and I managed to catch up quickly with a light jog.

"No Karl please, Dream's missing."
"And what do I have to do with Clay?"
"Please, I just need your help, I have no one, no one who listens like you."

Thank the holy ones above he did manage to stop, turning to face me with a face of utter disappointment or disbelief.
"No calls, no visits, no hey Karl how is everything? Sorry for being a total asshole." He enlightened me with his sarcasm as the hamster in his pocket screamed in agony.

"Is Cheerio okay?"
"He gets scared in the lightning and rain."
"Would you like me to-"
"No, leave us alone Nick." He started to walk again and I pulled him by his wrist towards my cold and drenched body.

"Please Karl, I don't ask for much, I need to find Clay."
I couldn't tell if it was the rain but Karl's eyes watered as if he was about to break down in my arms.

"Why do I trust you?" He whispered, hardly audible to hear as the rain drenched our bodies together.
"Because you know I care about you and I generally need your help." My hand creased his cheek as I could feel him fall into my touch.

We only watched each other for a moment, I gape into his ocean eyes until he sheds a light tear.
"I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused you, I just really thought you felt the same way I do."
"I care for you Nick, I have never cared for a person more, but I just don't feel the same way yet."

I had to understand where he was coming from yet, it seemed like a far grasp. I wanted to pull Karl towards me, connect our lips until we were out of breath, gasping for air.

Karl wanted to just be friends, and I had to respect that.  Even if that meant hiding my true feelings.
"Sure I get it." I gave a light smile and the boy had returned one, it was awkward but it was better then him hating my guts.

"We should probably get out of the rain, I wouldn't want Cheerio and you to get sick." He only made his way towards the café and unlocked the door, pushing me inside like a wet dog that had come from jumping in a puddle.

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