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SONG: Power Over Me, Dermot Kennedy


"George Henry Davidson, do you swear that everything and anything you say is the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

"I do." I calmly stated before the judge had taken in seat in a room that echoed with millions. I wasn't a fan of crowds, so having to hold in my fear of them wasn't easy as all eyes were on me. I focused on breathing so that it would calm my nerves.

As I stood, I faced the crowd of thousands, all waiting for me to plead and beg for their mercy. They begged to be my downfall, that's what the wealthy usually wanted, the downfall of one of their own. They were hungry for drama and greed of the humiliation they would bring to the Davidson name.

I wasn't going to let them win. Not now, not after everything I have been through and lost. They would fucking pay for my legacy.

I cleared my throat, stepping up to the podium where my footsteps echoed to all that were silent. With one last hope I tugged on my collar and began to introduce my face of honour.

"I am a man of honour, I have done my families name well with all that I have accomplished and I will never doubt them." I turned to my family, my mother, who gave me a smile of approval yet my father, a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"That robot was not mine, it was used against me as MASK, the underground organization that we are all afraid of, tried to demolish my reputation to presidency. Trust me when I say that as president, artificial intelligence will still be refused and MASK will be a vague memory to all of us." I sternly stated through the mic as the crowd cheered and the judge silencing them.

Yes, maybe I had taken an oath stating that I was going to say the truth, but who was a president who didn't know how to keep a few secrets up his sleeve. As authority focused on calming down the somewhat judgment and some excitement I felt as though I was getting lost in the waves of nothingness.

As if everything around me was now gone, I was traveling over a land of pain and suffering. I looked around to retain some emotion yet my vision focused on a beautiful face.

I had to have been Clay, yet it wasn't, he wore a suit with his hair tossed perfectly to complement his bright green eyes and smile. No scars, no bruising, no tiredness that could be seen just from looking at his eyes. He was so well taken care of, so stunning as I watched him mingle with various of leaders. As he looked over, all I could do was smile. In which he returned one straight back.

He seemed as though he was an angel, one that was designed to be in the wealthy with me. Yet this wasn't the Clay that I knew. I knew a Clay that was always tired, messy, imperfect. One that was fantastic at math, lazy to even walk to get water out of the fridge, loved cats, loved to be surprised or thrilled.

This Clay was too perfect to be my Clay. I wanted him to have his imperfections one that wasn't a rich asshole like myself. When I had looked again, the vision of Clay had faded and I was left lonely once again.

"George, you may continue whenever ready." The judge had proceed with for me to clear my throat once more and allow my emotions to carry away with my body. I couldn't think of him or I would run off task.

"As president, I will ensure that all of the wealthy strive to their full potential, I will follow in the footsteps of those who have held this position before me and bring great value to our kingdom so that MASK and everyone is looking up at us once again." I made sure to sound sincere and understanding. Ignoring the clear reason as to why I was here and fixing it with satisfaction.

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