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SONG: Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth, Glass Animals


Smoking wasn't something I often did aside from when I was anxious. Right now, I was anxious as hell, my chest tightening to the point where I felt as if I couldn't breath.

"Dream." Nick called from the corner of my eye "Are you listening?" He asked, sliding his water across the table for me to have a sip.

I blew some smoke in the air, exhaling a light cough and I nodded.

"Yeah sorry, we are scouting tonight."
"Clay I brought that up half an hour ago." Wilbur stated sternly, his fingers overrunning the map beneath him.
"Yeah sorry, I didn't hear much after that." I recalled, causing a sarcastic sigh to release from everyone else.

Maybe it was the smoking that clouded my mind. Made my thoughts blend and become mended into one terrible nightmare.

Yet all I thought about was George. His petite, sarcastic figure. His dark flaming brown eyes that screamed vengeance and most importantly, the way he spoke, the way he eyed you in a tone of confidence.

He made me feel weak, weak in a terrible way. As if he could use me as an advantage. That's why I didn't show to retrieve my money. I don't want us to be even.

If I ever needed his help, I know where to find him.

"I sent Alex out to search the perimeter while we are planning for what is next." Will took a dark marker in his hand. Circling the perimeter of the rich.

"Moving towards the president first was an idiotic move, we should've started off small, we should've made a tiny scare but we got cocky. Tonight, that's about to change." He smiled at us. Tommy throwing his hands behind his head.

"You want us to now heist in the middle regions?" He asked nervously. Wilbur never wanted to touch the middle regions.

You weren't poor, nor wealthy in the middle regions, you were both, you collided right in the middle of society. They weren't against us nor with us so we left them alone to lurk in their own shadows.

"Do you think that's a good idea Will, El Desconocido wants nothing to do with us and we don't want to make more enemies." I stated, stabbing my cigarette into the tray to let it flare away.

"Look, I know we got some colleges there and I know it's dangerous but, we need to make noise men, we need to show them that we care."

He proceeded to mark up the map in-front of him, now ignoring our original target and going to the unknown that did no harm. Wilbur didn't want revenge, or justice.

He wanted to be heard, he wanted to stand out.

I wouldn't kill just to stand out but, knowing that I had no say I wouldn't have an opinion to begin with.

"Will, I don't want to take this shit personal but I have family in the middle, I don't want to harm anywhere near there." Nick interfered as he still circled and marked out his plan.

He was so focused, sweat bedded off of his forehead and down the locks of his curly hair probably from the overload of stress. He constantly pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose to get a better look of the landscape.

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