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SONG: Bloodline, Luke Hemmings


Nothing could've been better then the flashing lights of our home. The hectic cars horns and police sirens being music to our ears. I always wanted to go back here, back to where it all started yet I wanted to bring Karl with me. I wanted him to see how the world was more great and hopeful in my eyes during these times. When we were only kids, straight either out of jail or camps when we thought that the whole world is in our hands.

I turned towards the corner of the subway where crowds scattered and shoved to catch the next in transit. I turned over to watch as Clay's eyes lit up, this was his home too. He was hoping to come back ever since we relocated in the Haven. This place brought him joy, he would die in the streets of fame.

"Wilbur!" Quackity yelled, "How did you do this?! You know we aren't allowed back here!" He ran towards the taller, jumping into his arms as Will laughed.
"All of you seemed either depressed or confused so I wanted to take you all on a trip out of the haven, and it just so happens that the first ever presidential debate will be taking place right here tonight." He spun the smaller boy around and they both rejoiced. Best friends through the art of killing as one of my commanders would rehearse.

"Presidential debate?" I asked, and quickly turned to Clay who seemed to be thinking the exact same thought. George was running for president, he would be at the debate tonight.

This was the perfect time, no familiar faces, no one that would expect us to be there tonight. I gave the weakest smile before pulling Clay to the side, no one expected anything because they became focused on the large amounts of attractive women that passed by them in crowds.

"What are you going to do?" I said to him and all he replied with was silence. His green eyes locking into my own, he seemed terrified.

"I don't know Nick." He replied quietly, "I wish I just had the guts to kill him and all of this would be so much easier." He pleaded, I could tell from the gloss building up in his eyes that he cared about George. Wilbur was right, maybe Clay was losing this mission.

"Do you love him?" I asked, silence, this time even louder then the first time. All he did was look me in the eyes then, burst out laughing. He laughed until the tears streamed down his face.
"Are you crazy, of course I don't love him, I don't even like him." He laughed, wiping away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"You're lying to me aren't you? Those aren't tears of jokes Dream you're sad, you're terrified that you're in love." I protested and his laughing fell still. He was now stone cold, no emotion executed.

"You wouldn't know love until I runs you over."
"At least I can admit it to myself, I'm your best friend Clay, I can tell you right now you don't have the balls to put a bullet through his head." I stammered and with that he pushed me against the stone wall. His eyes, igniting green as the train passed. He held me close, his breath hitching on mine.

"You're lucky your my brother."
"You're lucky I'm trying to not get you killed!" I looked him in his green orbs; he hated it, starring him down only invoked fear into him. He looked up and then quickly to the ground, dropping me to catch my breath.

"What's wrong with me Sap?" He looked up, the tears again, filling those eyes I have come to love as my brother.
"Nothing Clay, nothings wrong, you have feelings and that's a good thing." I laughed, pulling him close so that we were linked again.

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