197 14 12

Song: Mr. Loverman, Ricky Montgomery
TW: Please read all triggers in chapter 0 before proceeding.


You see, death is a funny thing.

We don't talk about it much, yet when someone does it either causes a massive outbreak of tears or the guidance of millions wanting to know if you're alright. No one wants death, I mean sure, some might crave it here and there but when we are born, given our names and taking our first step, death doesn't pass our minds once.

At least that's what my mother had told me, right after I watched my dad take his own life from drowning on pills with names hardly anyone could pronounce.

We all know it comes, yet society makes it such a big deal to the point where everyone counts it down. Such as birthdays; never seemed to look at them as a happy thought, only that I was getting older and closer to the grave.

I never feared death, my body craved it sometimes, long endless nights where I was either high or drunk on the roof waiting to throw myself off. Couldn't bear to do that in-front of Patches though.

Sapnap and I talked about it once, maybe we were both in that misery of terror but he mentioned that he was terrified of it, or it being bestowed upon anyone he loved. I remember holding him as he cried, telling him that it wasn't near and we would all be okay. It was like I made a deal with the devil that night.

Death never scared me, ever, well, not in that moment.

Yet, right now, as a sharp pain stabbed my heart, all I could do was fear for my life.

"George." I cried softly to the sobbing boy in-front of me. He crawled, pulling his body towards us as I could see his legs were mended and bruised. He cried loudly, repeating my name as it started to fade into one ear and out the other.

Peoples screams rang the room as well, slowly falling onto the ground I could feel my heart rate increase and my body began to become hot. I held onto my heart as the figures of Karl and Toby stood over me.

"Hold your chest Clay, keep putting pressure." Karl breathed heavily as he pulled off layers of my clothing.
"Of course the one day I forget my padding." I laughed softly as red fluids started to release out of my mouth.
"Stay quiet Clay, please." I could feel Toby's hands shake onto my shoulder as he held my body down for Karl to have easy access.

"Guys, I'm okay don't worry!" I started to cough out, insuring to everyone that I was fine. The attention of others and drowsiness of my head overwhelming me to ensure everyone to not focus all the attention on me.

"Please Clay calm down." Karl begged, his voice cracking.
"His palms are getting cold." Toby recited to him.
"I have to put pressure on the wound before any procedure, Toby call paramedics now." He insisted as the boy ran away, begging any officials to step in.

From a distance I could still her his beautiful voice break as people pulled him away from me. His cries, making my ears burn as they were mortifying. Wilbur being one of the ones to hold him back, a smirk lingering with those evil eyes.

Trust me, if we start going crazy promise we can end it for one another.

"Clay, keep speaking to me." The bright blue eyed boy implored, holding a piece of my gear to my heart, heavy pressure pressing up against something that felt brutal.
"Karl, I'm okay, it's just a scratch." I was firm.
"This isn't a scratch Clay." Karl's tears started to fall heavily as he held to keep me together.

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