453 24 21

SONG: Dandelions, Ruth B


"Patches stop it." I mumbled, as she nuzzled her furry body against my chest. It was cold out, so I enjoyed the radiated heat yet her fur lingered on my gear.

We sat on the neon sign over looking the city, crowds cheered below as two machine terminators ripped off limb by limb, burning fumes released into the air to signal that our world isn't getting any better.

Patches purred loud into the night breeze and I held her close, I could get use to the warmth of her fur.

"I want to be down there." All I could hear was the faint voice of someone, then a cold object placed on my arm.

"You're awake." I said to George, who stretched with one arm and examined mine with the other. 
"Yeah I must say, sleeping on top of a electronic store sign is quite uncomfortable." His groan turning into a sigh as he nuzzled his hand across the cats fur.

"Do I look like I can afford a nice place?"
"Come on Clay loosen up a bit I'm kidding." He placed his hand on my shoulder, his sharp nails digging into my collar bone.

"You're healing, that's progress."

It was a couple of weeks from the incident, turns out I had blood trauma to the brain and infectious diseases from the rodents that used me as bait. George had felt bad, so he would come once and a while to check on me, he would presume we were on good terms.

"Let's go down there." He stood and I laid the creature on my lap down onto the sign. Looking up at the brunette who seemed mesmerized as more and more robots fought below.
"George come on, remember what happened the last time we were down there?"

His smile turned into a lengthy sigh as he plopped down beside me again, this time laying on his stomach and popping his head over the sign.

"Well thanks for ruining the moment Clay."
"I'm stating the obvious George, we could be killed."
"We could be killed anywhere might as well be killed having fun." Spit seemed to fill his mouth as he swallowed in stress.

I get George wanted to fanboy all over what he was good at but I am only trying to protect him and myself. Everywhere and anywhere I turned someone was out to get me, I was worth fortunes in the streets no matter what region we were in.

Then again, I hated to watch the boy I cared abouts face go from extreme happiness to the most lowest low. I wanted George to feel cared for while he was around me yes, but I also wanted him to feel some sort of happiness and comfort.

Then again we weren't meant to be together, here I was breaking my code, allowing a target to sleep with me. I was a mess, but the mess was beautiful.

"Fine you owe me." I groaned, lifting myself slowly to my feet with the help of the know screamingly excited boy who pulled me into his arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you Clay!" He recited, throwing me back and forth in his arms.
"Okay calm down Georgie." I laughed, bracing myself for when he might throw me straight over the edge.

Right in that instance he jumped down and straight towards the streets as he started to bolt towards the glowing lights that surrounded the dome.
"Wait!" I yelled, swiftly but delicately making my way to the streets, refusing to hurt myself anymore then I needed to.

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