447 22 18

SONG: Little Talks, Of Monsters and Men


I didn't believe life could get more lonelier then the week before, yet it did,

Toby wasn't by my side.

I was an idiot to even befriend him in the first place, I never became close to my victims, I was known in the business to be all an act, a actor under the mask yet, Toby had made me feel better about myself, he made me feel as if I was a kid again.

"I hate my life." I dropped my head on the table as Wilbur grabbed us coffees from the women who Alex drooled all over. He had a serious thing for blondes.

"What do you mean? I just gave you your weekly pay." His tone was stern as he eyed me, coming face to face with myself in the glossing of his frames.
"It's not that, I just feel like we are losing everyone, first Nick finding Karl and now Clay and George." I spat his name through my teeth.

That kid made me sick, he knew how to get under people's skin and Clay was just that vulnerable.

"I know, stupid idiots don't know how to stay with brothers and not side chicks." Alex groaned, with the lack of his friends I could feel him slowly going insane. Or maybe it was the fact that they were all finding love and he couldn't even pass the talking stage.

"Hey, watch the language tough guy they will realize what they are missing." Will gave Alex a light scratch on the head before taking a sip of the now luke warm beverage.

The taste now bitter of my own, the taste of coffee made me nauseous and the taste made my throat close yet it gave me enough energy to survive throughout the dreadful days.
"Maybe we could talk about exterminating them from future missions." He put his cup down as I spat the liquid in my mouth into my own.

"Um? Exterminating?"
"Yes quitting, I figured out that a new president will be elected and I believe Clay will not be interested in taking the life of someone considering power." He raised an eyebrow.
"Wait? Pretty boy is running!" Alex laughed, he smile filled with horror and eyes ready to kill.

At first I thought that Toby would run yet he was too young, he still had a good chunk of governmental officials school and training left to start campaigning. George was old enough, he had connections, yet why would he bother?

"Why would he run? He's lazy as hell and knows it's going to destroy Clay." Finally something to keep me thinking and my brain processing rather then caffeine.
"No idea, maybe power would give him more fame, fortune?"

"A mask, he wants a cover up." It dragged completely out of my swollen lips, less thought of the brain and more of the heart.

"Well if he wants one I have a couple of them in my closet."
"Not that type of mask you dumb ass." I groaned, fixing the collar of my dress shirt. "George creates robots, if he becomes president he can change everything, he can destroy the technology ban."

"Bitch is doing it for himself." Wilbur rubbed his eyes with his heated palms.
"So why get rid of Clay? Let's let him kill the boy in front of us." Alex pleaded.
"No, Dream would kill us before he even left a finger on the frisky brunette." His shaggy hair dripped as he did a light cat call.

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