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SONG: Transparentsoul, WILLOW


I couldn't figure out what gave me more butterflies, the chilly night air that flew through my window to tickle my nose or the silent faint snores of Clay who was cuddled beside me.

He seemed exhausted, his pink lips let out silent and faint breaths as his head laid his fluffy blonde hair across my chest. Clay always seemed so tense but now, he seemed so light, so quiet, almost if he hadn't had slept in a bed for ages.

I looked out into my open window, the calming breeze washing over the tip of my nose as I played with the blonds hair. His gear and weapons scattered throughout my bed. My mother hated pets on my bed, how would she feel about a murderer of our own people and his weapons?

I got myself more comfortable as I snuggled Clay closer towards me. The smell of his cigarette and rose filled scent was addicting. This wasn't right, but I couldn't wake him nor could I let him just walk out of here and promise that he would be safe.

He tossed and groaned in his sleep, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him more as I could feel his sharp newly painted nails caress my swollen back. I was still in pain from the moment before with the man who went by Quackity. The taunting memories of his horror filled smile and skin digging knife shattered me and gave me shivers with every touch Clay had made.

I then could here through the calming breaths of the boy beneath me the sound of my mother and father yelling from the ground below. Another unconventional way for me to not sleep. I knew their were issues between the two of them, their neediness of fame and fortune yet, I never knew it would take this much of a toll on me to think about it.

I had slowly creeped out of the bed and towards the large doors that muffled my parents yelling. I could hear them talk about me, my siblings, how they were disappointed.
I gave a heavy sigh as I leaned my head against the frame of wood.

I can hear my mothers footsteps slamming the glass tiles, my father as he clapped his hands together. As I focused more to hear into the depths of the home, I felt a cold breeze touch the back of my neck, making me shiver.

"Perfect family my ass." Clay whispered behind me as I jumped, my back now facing the doorframe as he hand leaned his body over me. He might've been scary in broad daylight but in the cold night, the way the moonlight shined his scars and hungry green eyes, made me fear him more.

"Do I need to get you a bell?"
"That won't be necessary."
"How did you sleep?" I calmly asked as he leaned forwards, his breath touching a small ounce of my jaw and neck. We stayed there for a minute, getting lost in each other's presence as the taller man in front of me pulled away.

"Fine, I didn't think I would sleep here, with you." He quietly said. Walking towards the bed, picking up his bow and gear off of the cotton.
"You know you can stay longer for a bit?" I asked, making my way towards him as he threw his hoodie over his chest gear.

"I work better at night George."
"They will catch you, the guards are out there all night."
"You think I can't handle a couple of guards?"
"I-" I paused, I knew that he could handle it, this was his job, yet I wanted him to stay. Why?

"No, I just-say if your group is looking for you? Quackity said he would be waiting for me tonight."
"I'm not scared, I could make a distraction, take the exit route out." He made his way towards the window that was still half opened, opening fully to let in a heavy breeze.

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