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SONG: Killing Me Softly With His Song, Fugees and Ms. Lauryn Hill


You know when it feels like your whole world is turning on you. I've had these feelings quite a few times, first my own family, the rehab, that feeling where I feel like I have no purpose. Now it was MASK, I knew that they had something planned against me, only one that seemed normal was Nick.

Yet here I was, this time I didn't wake up on the cold hard radiation exposure of my neon sign home but in the cosiness of a mattress and bed. George laid beside me, the bright sun glow glowing over his freckled filled back, now covered in scratches from the night before. He looked handsome, his hair flipped around wildly and lips parted slightly as little snores escaped him. He seemed so innocent.

I too was underdressed, my body aching from below. At least it felt good to realize some frustration into something that felt great. George then had threw his arm over me, pulling me close and groaning as the smell of cigarettes, rose and sweat mixed lingered over the room.

We knew last night would be our last night seeing each other, the night before, even with the issue of the robots and Georges secrets being exposed, he was still named president yet he would have to go on trial to prove his dedication.

They decided that today would be his trail, Mr. President would go and scream that he was innocent and the robot was all just for jokes and stupidness. Yet here he was, naked in bed with a man who owned the organization that would kill his civilization.

"What are you looking at?" He did a cocky smirk as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He creased my hair, his lips riding my neck blowing on the bites from before. When I hitched in pain, he softly moved away, flipping me over and ran his hands across my bruised filled back. He grabbed my skin, massaging every inch of me.

I groaned and I could feel his smirk emerge once again.
"I really ruined you didn't I?"
"Don't get to ahead of yourself Mr. President." I slid into his touch as his hands now massaged my hips, the bruises burned yet the sensation still felt great.

"I have to leave soon, my trail starts in a hour and I want to look like I'm a professional." He stood up, stretching into the sun and I admired his body. This was the man that I was trying to kill, I seriously had some issues. He ran his hands through his hair before pulling out what he was going to wear from the large golden dresser of his prince designed room.

"How are you and Toby?" I asked and he didn't reply at all at first, just focusing on getting ready in his black sweater and white collar. In formal clothing he managed to make himself   look so stunning. He turned back, making heavy eye contact before he just sighed.

"I've been trying to reach out to him but he doesn't seem interested in talking."
"I mean, you did take his dream position and now he'll  support that you're some fraud who builds technology for the pleasure of the lower class." I smiled and he just starred.

"You're so lucky I'm in a good mood from last night." He groaned. I blew a little kiss before he then pulled out a long plaid trench coat. I could feel my eyes slowly falling, my breathe was hitching and I looked down to see my hands softly trembling.

I thought it was the lack of sleep from the night before yet George seemed more then fine, zero red in the eyes and black underneath. He starred at me for a moment, calling my name yet I couldn't look up. My head didn't seem to move and I was only able to continue looking down at my shaking fingertips.

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