493 29 55

SONG: Sex Sells, Lovejoy


"Inauguration" Wilbur stated, his dark tone echoing the stone wall around us. "A ceremonial induction into office."

He looked towards the rest of us. I was wrapping my legs in muscle tape in order to keep them placed together as Nick shot bullets passed my head.

"Yeah I still don't get what that means." Alex whined, helping Tommy fix his ankle pads that wrapped around his foot.

"Yeah must be an American thing." The blonde laughed but then let out a soft whine as the boy beside him cracked the bone back in place.

"That's not normal y'know?" I stated to them as Tommy rolled his eyes. We hadn't made any conversation from what had happened at the gates almost a month ago. Neither did I see George after that as well.

"I'm fine Clay, I don't have the time nor money to get the shit fixed."

"Can that even be fixed?" Nick laughed and I gave him a light stare. He had been getting on everyone's nerves recently, not sure what was bothering him but it could be the answer to why he refuses to go to the café.

"He's old enough to make his own decisions men, now can we focus on our plan." Wilbur called us back, tapping on his necklace to allow a projection of the inauguration ceremony onto the stone table that we all rested on.

"Can we just give it up, we've tried, around a couple times now, will this time be even different?" Nick sat on the table, running his hand over the projection to create a green and red glitch.

"Are you joking right now? Give this all up?" He made his way towards the boy who stood up as well. For a small burning ball of fire, Nick really had some guts.

"Yeah, we suck at big jobs like this, let's go back to normal, get out of here, go back to Las Vegas."
"Y'know we cant go back smart ass, we don't belong there anymore." Alex chimed in, I knew they all missed our old heists, I did too.

"Wait, Las Vegas, holy shit are the chicks hot there?"
"Seriously Tommy." I groaned.
"Heck yeah there were." Alex laughed while Tommy and him bragged about the chicks they could possibly never get.

"I'm over this area Will." Nick concluded, before sitting back down "And I don't want to challenge you on the situation because I know you agree with me."

"No, I want to complete this mission, I want the president and his family to burn." He slammed his fist beside him. Nick obeyed, keeping quiet and turning to look back at the projection.

"Wow, no obligations, I deserve that response." Wilbur had gone back to his king seat, giving us all a glance.
"No, I have no energy to fight, I'm drained." He said, resting his head on the cold stone table.

Something was up with Nick, normally, he was a ball of fire, destined to through out all of his evil smirks, remarks and emotions until you finally listened to him. Yet, he wasn't in Will's face, he wasn't making a sound.

"Is this silence about your pretty boyfriend." Alex laughed, nudging Nick who still didn't move. I knew it was about Karl, they didn't see each other in over two weeks nor did Nick even want to be near the premises of the café were Karl was all the time, waiting at the window.

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