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SONG: Take A Slice, Glass Animals


Running off stage wasn't apart of my speech but the crowds cheering my name was to much to handle. It rang around the room, a siren through my ears as I ran out of the room through pure silence. Then a burst of laughter as my dad spoke to the crowds.

I felt so embarrassed as I ran through the hallway of many paintings of George's face. I fell to the side of the hallway, leaning against the wall with my legs pulled all the way to my burning chest.

I rapidly removed my tie and slung it around my shoulders to grant myself more access to the rich air. I ran my hand throughout my hair, tugging at the ends, rethinking about the whole situation from before.

"You were so close, so close." I whispered to myself disappointedly. I was so close to it all, if I stood there proud, I would have a higher chance of victory, I would finally not be taken as a joke.

This was all a joke to me though, deep down, way deep down, I knew president wasn't the right job for me. I was forced into the work, the change. Naturally, in my heart, I wanted to work with animals.

I loved animals ever since I was little, I dreamed about working in a safari, playing with the lions and learning about the giraffes. Or, working in a butterfly house, where I could be surrounded with beautiful colours and shapes.

I wanted to chase my own dreams, I wanted to do what my heart desired but, that would also mean I would be betraying my family and the fortunes that were given to me. I would be an embarrassment to the wealthy and I would be forced away from home, killed if they wanted.

I wanted to be free, free with the animals around me. Maybe if I just asked for a kitten, my dreams will float away.

"That was terrible." A voice laughed from the side of me.

He was very tall, slim and wore a vest and red tie. His blonde hair fell to his blue eyes and light acne covered face.

"Are you a fan?" I laughed in hurt as he came to take a seat beside me. One leg brought to his chest, the other extended.
"Nah, just watching." His accent was heavy and loud as it echoed throughout the hallway.

"What's your name? I'm pretty sure you know who I am already." I asked as he extended his hand to me.
"Tommy, nice to meet you Toby, big fan I would say of your speech, until you ran off stage like a big baby." He laughed and I gave a look of embarrassment as I shook his hand, firm and determined.

"I mean, I reckon it could win a award for best exit of a speech." I laughed and the tall boy shrugged.
"Possibly, why did you run out anyways? Your speech was fine."

At least someone didn't mind my speech I thought before rubbing my now tired face through my fingers.
"Stress, the chanting, it was all to overwhelming to me to process y'know, I'm not used to being the centre of attention."

He laughed, he laughed straight at my face and out in the hallway. Man, this boy was loud and terrible at acting sympathetic.
"What do you mean attention? You are the presidents bloody son Toby, you were born in a blanket of attention!"
"I don't know, or sometimes doesn't seem like it y'know?"

He nodded and looked at his watch, then back out into the hall as if he was waiting for something to happen.
"Who's your family by the way? I haven't seen your face around." I asked.

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