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Everyone starred as we followed Karl down the streets of El Desconocido. His preppy walk made me want to walk right beside him, he was so pretty waving gracefully to everyone he passed by. Then bringing his hands in front of him, to pick the dead nail polish off his nails as we ended up at a large building covered in stone and moss.

"Is this your home? The leader is in there, your father?" Wilbur asked, only to receive a nod that came from the now quite blue eyed boy.

"Well then, let's search the perimeter, Golden Boy, check the outside perimeter for any buildings or authorities." Will wrapped his hand around Tommy who gave a big smile of agreement, running away with a progressively worse bounce
in his step.

Tommy always got on my nerves, that kid was always Wilbur's favourite, in his proper terms, the most powerful and trusted boy of MASK. Not only was the boy only a child in my eyes but he was only on the team for less then a week. The ranks he was climbing was quicker then the years Clay and I were working for MASK combined. The English bastard didn't know the trouble he was creating putting so much trust in the boy.

If they had put me in charge of the team, if I had it my way, the blonde wouldn't even be here.

"I will warn you, there is a party happening inside, one happens every night." Karl whispered, I could tell he was anxious, pulling at his collar and watching the sunset set over his light freckles.

"Perfect, have I mentioned that we're party men?" Wilbur laughed, trying to wrap his arm around the younger boy who pulled away instantly due to the awkwardness between the two.

"Well if you get caught there is no more fun and games."
"And that's why went won't get caught." He gave a twisted smirk as it then dropped when he came to face me.
"Where's Dream?"

"He was right behind-" I turned to see that no one was behind me, only empty air as I had only saw him travelling behind me a few minutes ago.
"Umm-" I had to think a hard thought process "I don't exactly know." I stated quietly as the brunettes eyes flamed in anger.

"Great, we are down two men now since I sent Alex out, this is now a dangerous task for us."
"Should we search for him?"
"Are you dumb Nick, Clay won't return when he's gone, there's no point he probably has some business to do."
"I thought he was out of that shit?"
"Dealers are always dealers my friend." He whispered, pushing me towards the quiet and very charming boy infront of me.

"You follow him inside, search around the party for anyone familiar, or a way to be noticed. They need to know we are coming." Karl was quick to my aid as I was being tossed in front of him. He gave a light smile as he helped me to a solid ground.

"Why do you think I would help you? This is my home, these are my people!" Karl protested, as the tone in his voice startled Cheerio who perched upon the boys shoulders.
"I never asked you to help Karl, I'm telling you or I swear on the blood of you family I will smear your organs on these front steps." He was in Karl's face now as the younger became scared and disappointed.

"Leave him alone Will, I'll go with him okay." I stepped in between the pair, diverting the man who strummed his sword to look at the building in front of him.
"Fine but no screwing up Nick, or your remains will be happily placed beside your boyfriends.

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