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SONG: Syndicate, Derivakat


I sat in silence beside George for a solid couple hours. We watched as robots scattered the room and got ready for the battles. Some had spikes scattered around them as some blew fire from the tips of their arms. Panic ran through me as I realized that we're going to negotiate with those who worked for the same company as I. They would be confused on why we would want the robot. I had to come up with a plan.

I turned towards George. He dangled his legs at the edge of the balcony as he frantically looked around for his robot. The mask at the side of his face, probably for a better view of the ground. I remember getting used to the mask when I was first given mine. It had taken me months to get a solid view with the thing.

"Why would people do this?" George's voice cracked in pain as he watched below him, hoping for a answer to pop out of the ground.
"Steal from others just to make killing machines, it's injurious." He looked towards me as I wiped the sweat that was forming at my forehead due to the close radius of a heater.

"This is life around here, this is how people make money, this is how we survive." I pulled out an arrow and lead it with a bow, pulling it back to release.
"You grew up with money out of your ass Davidson, if you had to fight for it then you would understand."

I let the arrow go and with one whistle, it turned red and ignited my tracking pad that created a holograph that reflected from my mask. I trailed the arrow across the large arena and around the pillar that blocked George and I's vision from seeing the whole scenery.

As it travelled at a fast pace it came straight towards two men who wore masks and worked on Wisdom.
"Holy shit." George mumbled as the arrow came back towards us, hitting the wall behind me.
"Did MASK create that?" He asked, pointing towards the arrow that I pulled out of the wall.

"No I programmed it." I calmly stated as he pulled it straight out of my hand and held it in-front of him. This kid seriously didn't know about personal space and touching people's property.
"This is fantastic, how did you do it?" His face lit up as he examined the weapon. I pulled it straight out of his hands and put it back with the rest.

"It doesn't matter, let's go get your bot." I was stern as I walked down the steps to the arena.
"Clay." He ran towards me.
"I'm not Clay around here," I emphasized my name as I walked towards him, "It's Dream."
He gave me a light laugh, thinking what just came out of my mouth was a terrible joke.

I ripped my mask off to reveal the seriousness displayed on my face. He stared at me for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and walking past me.
"You don't scare me Clay."
"Call me that one more time George and your head is going to go straight through the concrete." I growled and he remained silent as I led us past each of the robots.

Receiving dirty looks from the various competition wasn't new. A lot of town loved MASK but, that doesn't mean that we don't have competition. I made sure that the smaller boy followed close behind, even though I wouldn't mind him getting lost and never seeing him again, I needed the money, I also couldn't just let my so called college get killed on the job.

"Let me do the talking, alright?" I said to the boy who seemed fearful as we got closer to the two men of MASK.

Wisdom looked destroyed. Their parts laid across the table as new parts were added to their torso. I watched as George's fists balled but he had to remain calm.
The two figures who wore masks turned to face the brunette and I confused.
"Hey, where did you guys get the robot?" I asked calmly as they walked towards us. A little to close for comfort.

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