Chapter 1 The Search Is Over

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Lucy's POV

"I knew you were a slut from the moment I saw you; you ungreatful bitch!" Brad scramed at me as I was trying to gather my books in my backpack. He was drunk again and mad that I didn't pick up more liquor. Of corse I said he already spent all the money we have on the deadly toxin. But that only made him angrier.

"I have to go to school Brad or I'll be late." Then I muttered, "Don't want social services knocking at your door again."

I must have underestimated his hearing capability because next thing I knew he threw me on the ground and started kicking me in the ribs.

Each kick sending spikes of pain to my system.

Damnit, I thought, I have to learn to keep my mouth shut or I won't survive. And that's my whole life surviving, this is just my recent flavor of messed up fostor care. I got lost in my thoughts as I always do when I'm getting abused because I've learned not to fight back it just makes it worse. I've been bounced around since I was 6 months old. There has been a few nice ones but in the end they always got rid of me saying, "they just weren't ready yet" or, "we have to much going on right now". But to be honest it just felt like life didn't want me to be happy because I wasn't supposed to survive that night....

As he kicked me once more I not only felt physical pain but mentel from that thought.

As he kicked me one last time I wanted to kick him. I wanted to hurt him like he has me for the past year. But stopped my self I would be the one blamed when he reported it not him.

As he walked away he said with a voice sickly sweet. "Go on to school or you'll be late and we don't want that now do we? Oh and please remember to pick up the whiskey or expect a lot worse then that." Then he shut the door to his bedroom probably to sleep it off.

I got up off the floor and spit the blood from my mouth in the sink.

Great now I need to go fix my hair so it covers the bruises on my face and wrap my ribs, joy.

I looked at my watch seeing I had a good 20 minutes until school started.

I went to the bathroom and took down my raven black hair to hide my bruised temple. It was as wavy as the ocean as usual. Oh well, I thought. Then lifted up my shirt and grimaced at the blood and red angry cuts and sure bruises that would form. I carefully but quickly cleaned and wrapes my ribs. Applied extra make up on my face and took a look in the mirror.

I had black hair that was as wavy as the ocean. And I had eyes that looked brown now but could quickly change to a olive green depending on my mood, and if the sun catched my eyes they could even turn gold; and were outlined in black. My cheeks and stright nose was dusted with freckels as was the rest of my body. My lips were full and pink covered with gloss. I had a black baggy hoodie on that covered my over weight body that I was self conscious about and the wrap around my midriff. My nails were not painted because it annoyed me how they chipped. My legs were covered in a dark pair of jeans that made my butt looks great if I do say so myself. I had on purple sneakers seeing how my favorite color was purple. I bought them when I got a raise at my job and I didn't tell Brad. And I had a neckless around my neck that was a green stone with a silver chain the only thing I inherited from my mom and dad the rest burned. It reminds me of what Lana Lang wheres in Smallville. Yes I am a superhero nerd, maybe it's because I want some one to save me or maybe it's because I just like superheros. And to complete my outfit I pasted on my best fake smile that I have been wearing for years.

I had 5 minutes to get there and I ran the 10 minute walk and made it there in 4. As I took my seat at the back of the room I took out my book and read my favorite book, City of Bones. And yes i'm also a book nerd.

After announcements finally ended English finially began and I put my book away closing off mentel escape from hell or in other words my life.

It wasn't a bad subject though I loved English. No joke my dream was to become a writer one day. A voice in the back of head whispered ya if you can survive that long. I promptly told that voice to shut up and die in a hole.

Mr. Bishop told us to open up our book we've been reading called Divergent. I looked through my bag letting my hair act as a shield as I dug it out of my ever disorganized bag. And flipped to the assigned page.

A little while later when we were supposed to read the assigned pages for homework a kid came in and gave a teacher a note I couldn't see him from the back of the classroom but from the stares he was getting i'm guessing he was hot. The girls were practically drooling with there glass covered eyes and the boys in the room looked at him with envy.

I looked back down at my book Beatrice was at the choosing ceremony deciding her fait with a few drops of blood and then she got a new family a new life. I've bleed gallons of blood and all I get is more punishment for surviving when I should have died.

I heard a thump as the new kid put his back pack down next to the seat next to me. Great because I just love when people give me the evil because pretty boy sat by me. I thought to myself as I read how Beatrice chose dauntless. I closed my book and thought, have fun with that while I stay here in hell- I mean life.

I looked at the clock and saw only 5 minutes of class were left. I looked around but not at pretty boy because the last thing I needed was for him to catch me staring. And as I looked around I found everybody staring back at him which ment they looked at me to. I ducked my head and let my hair curtain my face keeping me hidden from prying eyes and prayed class would soon end.

Caleb's POV

I hope to hell she's here. My parents are seriously getting mad at me for getting purposely expelled from school because of my search for her. Everybody told me my soul mate perished in that fire but it doesn't feel like she's dead. They say you can feel it like an emptiness that can never be filled. I feel lonely not empty like I need to find her not that she's dead.

There are 8 Lucy's here and I have a class with all of them that are a freshman.

What was bothering me though at this second was this girl that wont look at me she just covers her face with her beautiful black hair that looks soft enough to touch. Where the hell did that come from? I have never had feelings for any girl. I mean I know when a girl is pretty but nothing like this. She looked up and looked around ( but not at me of corse ) she seemed to not like what she seen because just as i saw her breathtaking face she bit her desirable plush bottom lip and shrinked back and let her hair cover her face. I wanted to tuck the hair behind her ear and demand she look at me. I shook myself get a grip I thought.

When the bell rang she jammed her purple ear buds into her ears, picked up her bag and left in a hurry. I got up to follow but a girl came up to me and she was as fake as they come. She had clearly bottle died hair layers of make up on and I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boob job. Girls like that disgust me and I forced a smile.

She smiled seductively as she purred, " Sooo what's your name?"

I held back a grimace as I said, "Caleb, and yours?"

She smiled brighter and said, "Cherry." As she moved closer.

Ok then, time to wrap this up... "Nice to meet you I gotta go." I lightly shoved her as I tryed to catch up to that girl.

And that's when it happened... She turned around and looked me stright and the eye and I knew without a doubt that she was mine. She was my soul mate and she walked towards me and I met her halfway and we hugged as if we were long lost friends and in a way we were. She smelled like vanilla. And that lonelyness inside me vanished from her touch. And I knew as I breathed her in I would never feel it again.

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