Chapter 13 Three Come Back

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Caleb's POV

I counted how many guards there were. 8, we could take them.

The King came in and sat on his throne. "I see you found your way through." He smirked. "I guess that Lucy was correct. She kept screaming how you would all find her. That you were coming for her."

Why wasn't he angry we found a way in?

"But then she eventually gave up on you 3 so then she would just scream in pain and for anybody to save her, for me to give her mercy. Of corse she got no mercy and nobody saved her, but it was fun watching her beg and scream in pain." He laughed. Red filled my gaze. "But of corse you've come for her and you can have her." What? Did I just imagine that? There has to be a catch. "Oh don't worry there's no catch you can have her. She just doesn't do it for me anymore. She's broken. She's a shell, nobody is home. I was surprised she lasted so long. I have to admit she would have made a good Queen. To bad..."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!" I screamed and ran forward no longer able to hold back my anger. But the guards grabbed me and restrained me.

"She was tortured fool. What do you think happend?" I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this. "She is crazy. She lost her sanity two days ago from my calculations. But hey, you can have her. My gift to you. Guard bring her in!"

I saw her then. She walked in but she had a blank face as she stared at us. Her body was covered in scars and brusies and cuts. Needle marks that were red and irritated were all over her neck and arms. She was no longer the laughing, loveable, happy person I once knew. I was to late, she's gone. I was about to lunge at the King again and slice off his head but Taylor stopped me.

"Stop. Let's go, we have her, she won't be harmed by anybody. Come on, while we still can. The crazy bastard might change his mind." I noded and picked up Lucy's battered body.

After we were far away from the castle I put her down on the forest floor.

I stroked her cheek but she just looked off into space. "Lucy? Can you hear me? You can come back now , you're safe. It's me Caleb, Taylor and Damon." I started to cry. This can't happen she can't leave me, I just found her! This wasn't fair! I have to see her smile again. Or see her blush with rosy cheeks. See her glint of mischievousness in her eyes. I need to hear her twinkling laughter. This can't be the end of our story! This is just the beginning! I know people say life isn't fair but this was just cruel.

"Lucy," I said emotion clogging my throat. "Come back to me I love you. I love you so much." Tears ran down my face as I kissed her. Her mouth was unmoving against mine. I kept kissing her though willing her to remember. But she didn't.

"We have to move Caleb, the King could send assassins after us. It's not safe." Taylor urged but I could hear the tears in her voice. I picked her up.

"Stop, stop, stop." Damon told us. "I have an idea...."

I put her back down and gave him a confused look.

"Vampires have a few unknown secrets that we have kept..." Damon began and I got more confused. "We can compell people."

"Ya I know this." Taylor and I both said.

"No," he shook his head. "We can compell supernatural creatures too it just takes more skill. Which I have plenty of." He tried to joke. "I can heal her injuries too, even the scars. With my blood."

"Will it turn her?" Taylor said concerned.

"No, but..."

"But what?" I said getting excited.

"If I compell her to come back. She will remember all the bad things and torture and pain at once. She did this to her self to protect herself, not for shits and giggles you know."

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