Warriors - SNEAK PEEK

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Taylor's POV

I was fighting hand to hand, throwing daggers and the old kings men were setting off traps all around this area.

I was having fun. I loved fighting for the greater good. It was my true nature and I loved it.

There was about 20 of the old kings men were attaking me and I almost killed all of them.

I wish everyday was this fun. It took days to figure out which villiages the old kings me were at and once I figured that out it took an extra few days to set up all the traps and make up a plan. But this part where I took justice for the people was my true joy.

But my heart didn't agree. It felt like something was missing or should I say someone. One tall dark and handsome man with black hair and blue eyes and a set of fangs.

I'm not the ooey goey type. Hell I think killing people is fun. My race is born to kill rouge supernatural creatures. But those blue eyes haunt me in my dreams.

Thanks to my day dreaming one of the men stab me in my thigh. In retaliation I slice his throat and watch him drown in his own blood. I smile happy to see another of these murderous people dead.

I gather my daggers back up. I sit down at a tree. I wear black to hide blood stains a thing all warriors wear. But warrior 101 is to not die. So I take out some bandages from my jacket and place my hands on the knife protruding from my leg. I get a good grip on the handle.

"Pony up Taylor." I whisper to myself and with one hard yank I pull it out. It hurt like a bitch but I added some bandages to stop the bleeding and began to get up.

I then hear clapping and spin around flying a dagger at the direction of the noise.

That's when I see him the blue eyed man from my dreams.

He caught my dagger and smirked. "Hello love."

"Hello ass hole." I answered in a sweet sickening voice.

I'm in BIG trouble.

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