Chapter 14 Somebody Dies

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Lucy's POV

We left the next day. I gathered my few most prized possessions and I even went and got some of Taylor's belongings. Brad was at work so I had no problems. For once.

I wasn't worried about Taylor because she looked bad ass in her outfit I saw her wearing. Plus I know her fighting skills and they are way above average. Though, Damon was still freaking out. I knew those crazy kids were ment to be.

We were all in the forest. I held Taylor's gem and concentrated on the place I just left behind. And the ground opened up and we were swallowed whole by the earth.

Raymond's POV

I was the happiest man in the world. No one can ever take my thrown. I can live with no worries. I just had this feeling of dread and I didn't know what it was.

I was sitting on my thrown when a guard came rushing in. "She's back your highness." He said with fearful eyes. The blonde warrior had been cutting my men down and trying to destroy my hold on the people for years. She disappeared years ago, marked as dead.

"Where?" I asked.

"The village 4 miles away. All your men there are dead except one who came and reported it."

"Kill the survivor. Send more men there and find the blonde warrior and bring her back, alive."

"Yes, your highness." Then he left.

I have to find a way for the blonde warrior not to find out about the dealings I made against all the supernatural creatures or she could use it against me before I'm ready. Ya, I know what would happen if they find out. They would be seriously pissed and there would be war. But I do love chaos and my plan is that they will kill each other.

I was lost in my delicious thoughts, thinking of war and chaos. I began to notice it was to quiet. I got up and opened the doors, there were no guards outside the doors. This wasn't good. I walked down the hall and saw nobody. I kept looking behind me. It felt like somebody was watching me. I went to my chambers and locked the door and started lighting candles.

"I thought you'd never come." A irritated voice said in the dark. "Thanks for locking the door, saved me the trouble." I opened my mouth to scream but I felt the coldness of a blade against my neck. "You can scream but nobody can hear you. And if you scream in my face I will slice your throat."

"Who are you?" I asked my voice trembling. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

She stepped into the light. Lucy! No, I broke her. She smiled and I cringed.

"Do you give up your crown?" She asked.

"Never," I spat. "Even if you kill me and take the crown, my men will still take over the villiages and there is nothing you can do." I said in a sing song voice.

She tsked at me. "Yes, but you see I have heard of the blonde warrior who kills your men and you must run out sometime and she won't stop until they're all gone."

I laughed but I felt anything but happy. "She will die before she kills them all." Then I grabbed her wrist and wrenched it back until she dropped the knife.

We fought but she was a very strong fighter and I knew I was going to lose.

I played the pity card. "Stop, stop, I surrender!" She stopped for a second. "You wouldn't kill your only living relative. You're not built that way."

"You're not family. You don't even have a bit of humanity. So ya I'm built this way, deal with it." She swept my legs making me fall to the ground. She got a dagger out of her boot.

The candle light gave her a eerie glow. "King Raymond the Second," She spoke, voice cold as ice. " I Queen -"

"Stop Lucy!" I begged.

"Lucy sentence you-"

"You don't have to do this!" I tried again.

"To death on the -"

"You good for nothing bitch!"

"Charge of your muder and trickery before and during your time being King of the gems."

Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I knew she stabbed me.

"How do you plead?" Lucy asked as I bleed out beneath her blade.

I smirked. "Guilty."

She twisted the blade and I moaned in pain.

The last thing I saw was my pale reflection in Lucy's eyes.

The next thing I knew I was in Hell and I was in front of the princess of hell. She was wearing a black shrug dress that stopped at her thighs, with fish net covering her legs, and black shoes. She was tall for a woman also.

"My name is Rose, my father is Lucifer and you have been condemned to hell. Welcome to eternal torment Raymond."

***To read what happens next to Raymond read the book "Ferro Et Igne Salvificem Mundum" by Booksandageek***

Lucy POV

I sunk the knife into Raymond and let lose all my anger and revenge.

I killed a man.

Caleb stepped out of the shadows and I ran into his arms.

"It had to be done." He said and rubbed my back. "I love you." I murmured.

"I love you too." Then a thought acurred to me.

"Why didn't we get any cool superpower? We confessed our love."

He storked my cheek. "It's because the damaged part of you doesn't love me. You won't let yourself. But I don't care. If you love me an ounce as much as I love you then that's enough for me."

"I'm sorry I'm giving you all I have." I started to cry. I was broken and nobody will want me or love me.

"No, you love me and I love you that's all that matters." We kissed passionately.

Damon came in at that exact moment. "My eyes! Why! My poor virgin eyes! I'm blind!"

"You're anything but a virgin Damon." Caleb scolded.

"Ya, but that doesn't mean you guys shouldn't get a room." He huffed.

"We are in a room! Before you very rudely barged in!!" Caleb yelled.

"You're right Caleb, I totally destoryed your romantic mood you got going with the dead body on the ground." Damon said heavy with sarcasm.

"Shut up, just get him out of here!" Caleb gestured to Raymond's lifeless form.

Damon picked Raymond up and slung him over his shoulder none to gently. "Compell Lucy Damon, kill all the guards Damon, help Lucy take over all the realms Damon, carry the dead body out of our make out session and barry him Damon. Heaven forbid you do something." Damon said carrying him out of the room whining

"I never told you to barry him!" Caleb yelled after him.

"It was implied!" Damon shouted.

Caleb chuckled. "I truely love you with all my heart." I really ment it this time. I could feel my damaged heart open up and connect to his.

"I love you too Lucy." Then it felt like our souls connected and sealed together it felt uncomfortable at first having his soul in there with mine, but once it found it's resting place it felt like a wave of love and peacefulness went over me.

Caleb's eyes became wide as he felt it too

The peaceful moment only lasted a moment though.

The ground started to rumble and the castle shaked, threatening to cave in at any moment. And there was suddenly a lightning and thunder storm outside I could feel the thunder and lightning and knew that was me. But the shaking wasn't me it was Caleb. Our powers were tied to the Earth.

"This is the most powerful powers that has ever been known." Caleb breathed.

Then the ceiling started to come down from our onslaught. We couldn't control it. But if we didn't we would die.

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