Chapter 7 Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, and... Bat Man?

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Lucy's POV

It was two days before halloween.

Me and Taylor were sparing at her parents gym, while arguing. Isn't that a great combination. We were fighting about what costumes we- well I should wear to the annual Halloween Party down at the beach, there is usually a bonfire, dancing, and beer. I wanted to be batman, but she thought I should be someone more sexier.

"But Batman is AWESOME and you know this." I winged. And ducked as she tried to hit me in the face.

"Ya true, but if you must be a superhero be, Catwoman or Wonder woman." I threw a punch but she blocked it with her arm.

"I don't think so, I couldn't pull that off." She kicked low and I jumped and spun and kicked her in the chest sending her backward. I sat ontop of her holding her down.

"Yes you could! Here, if you beat me next round then you can wear anything you want but if I win then I choose and you can't complain." She raised her chin in challenge. And hit the mat indicating that this match was over. I got up and ran my hand through my pulled back hair causing the pony tail to fall out and making me put it back in.

"I don't even have a date!" I tried one final time. As I tightened my ponytail. Knowing I was fighting a losing battle, Taylor was more stubborn than a brickwall. God help any man that tries to take control of Taylor.

"If you would talk to Caleb he would have asked you ten times over. But you know that. You're just pushing him away." She accused and I didn't deny. I haven't talked to Caleb in days and it wasn't from his lack of trying. I just think he deserves better than somebody that's being punished by God to spend life alone. Anyways, if he knew the truth about my home life he would run so fast I wouldn't even see his cute butt walking out the door. This was easier on my shredded heart. My heart is delicate and I usually keep it in a a safe but Caleb broke the safe and made me feel something wonderful. And I rather keep that wonderful feeling than risking anymore damage to my fragile heart.

I shrugged and tightened my fighting gloves. Taylor smirked and put up her fists, "Do we have a deal or not?"

Knowing I couldn't resist a challenge I raised a brow, "Deal."

She threw the first punch.

Caleb's POV

"She's probably not even going." I tried to explain to Damon for the 100th time, but it's like he heard me, but wasn't listening to me.

"Caleb girls dig this stuff, they live for it."

We were on the couch and playing X Box and I was currently winning.

I chuckled and asked, "Dig?"

He hit me on the back of my head making me die and giving me a slight head ache. "Hey!"

"Shut up we have talked about you making fun of how I speak sometimes. Or do I need to rehash how we met." He gave an evil smile. We first met when I was young and stupid and almost died when a werewolf just about took off my head when I questioned him about the lost princess -Lucy-. Damon came in at the last second and cut off his head. I never lost in a fight and I don't like to talk about it, only Damon and I know.

"You swore never to speak of it."

"And you swore not to make fun of me!" He yelled.

He hit me on the back of the head again. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Being an idiot."

He hit me again. "Ow! And that?!?"

"Not going to the party." He said smugly.

He raised his hand as if to do it again. "Ok! I'll go! I'll go!"

Damon beamed.

I rubbed my head.

Damon gave me a evil smile. "You know what this means..."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Dude we gotta get costumes!" Damon yelled.

I groaned.

"Dude let's go we gotta find something for us to wear before all the costumes are gone!"

He hit me on the back of the head again and said, "That was just for fun." And ran away. And I ran after him.

Halloween was in two nights and we had a plan that was just crazy enough to work or get us killed.

Lets hope this works. This is our hail mary card and Lucy won't be in the dark after Halloween. I just hope that I won't be one of the people she leaves in the dark.

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