Chapter 5 She Drowned in Her Tears

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Lucy's POV

I raised my hand to my lips as I smiled. I kissed him, I really did it. I slid down the door and giggled a little. I looked at the clock it read 11:48 Brad is home which ment he was either in his bedroom sleeping or out in his chair in the living room drinking his life away.

A thought of pure dread filled me as I realized he wouldn't be doing either. I forgot to pick up his whisky. And just like that my high from the a-ma-zing kiss was gone leaving me scared for my life.

Then I started to shake as I heard his booming voice, "LUCY IS THAT YOU? YOU BETTER HAVE MY WHISKY YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH!"

I ran trying to get to the phone wanting, no needing to call somebody, anybody for help.

I couldn't fight back. I would lose everything and everyone. Again. Tears ran down my cheeks. I was almost to the phone in the kitchen when I heard Brad barreling towards me. He yanked my hair and I screamed. He started punching me and I tried to block it out. He threw me on the floor.

"It's time for a lesson." He took off his belt. "Lesson one," he whipped me on my arm and blood sprang from my skin. "Don't you ever try to get help again or I will kill you." Another whip on my stomach. "Lesson two, remember the whiskey. That's the point of your existent to bring people disappointment, and bring me liquor." After the 7th whip I lost count his lessons became a blur as he whipped and whipped me and when he got bored he kicked me some again then left me on the floor in a bleeding heap.

I couldn't find the strength to get up and my throat was sore from my screams for him to stop. I don't know when I got up but I eventually made it up the stair and tended to my wounds and then flopped on my bed and passed out. I didn't know how I would hide all of this because somethings concealer just couldn't hide.

I cried all night and all the next morning.

Caleb's POV

On my way to school I thought about last night after I drove Lucy home.

After I got home I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Just to make sure everything was ok I called her house phone that I found in the yellow pages. A guy named Brain? No Brad was his name and he said that she was healthy as a horse but laughed as he said it but I mean it could just me being paranoid.

Damon was next to me because he thought it would be a fantastic idea to go to school with me even though he looks old enough to be in college -technically he's old enough to be dead, baried, and worm food by now but technicalities- we have been arguing about it the whole way.

"Come on I miss high school, jocks, nerds," he breathed in, "the smell of self desperation, oh and the cheer leaders with thier short skirts." He got a farway look and I was fighting super hard not to laugh.

"Only if you promise not to eat anybody," he opened his mouth to agree but I held up a finger. "Not a drop. Not even a snack or quick sip. Got it?"

He put on his pouty face and said, "Fine if I most."

"Oh you must."


When me and Damon walked into homeroom Lucy was in the back corner with her hood up and  no open seats by her. I furrowed my brows that was a little strange.

I looked over at Damon who eyes were huge and staring at Lucy.

He asked through clenched teeth "That isn't her is it?"

"Ya, why?" Panicking a little.

"Good Morning, everybody! As you all know when I start class it becomes me time and that means anybody who speaks get sent out of my class." Mr. Bishop said.

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