Chapter 8 Costume Shopping

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Lucy's POV

As I kept trying on skin tight outfits that Taylor handed me I tried to decide which costumes were most covering. I swear when we spared earlier, I never seen anybody move so fast and was so strong. But it was probably just the adrenaline that was pulsing in both our vains at that moment.

I narrowed it down to Cat Woman and Wonder Woman.

Which one I asked Taylor since she gets final say. "Wonder Woman." she said in a duh tone.

I noded and went to get my purse to pay for it. Taylor went to find herself a costume. When I was done I sat down in front of the dressing rooms waiting for her to change.

After about an hour of her trying to find out the 'perfect' costume.

She came out in a Devil outfit. It was actually not as cheesy as I expected. It was completly red and looked like a second skin but she seemed to like it and she could pull it off. There were tears on both sides of her waist and it looked like a unatard. The neck line was dangerously low. And the back had no back. And she had a tail that dragged behind her feet and a pitch fork that could reach her chin. She even had knee high heel boots that completed look.

"What do you think?" She shifted from foot to foot a little unsure from how long I was probably staring.

"It's perfect and I think Caleb's friend... what's his name? Oh Damon." I said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" She squealed and turned bright red. And stomped back in to the dressing room to change. I just laughed.

She told me how he confronted her in the super market and used him as a punching bag.

In all honesty, from what I heard they would make the perfect couple, they're just to stubborn to admit it.

Tomorrow would be a night I wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.

Caleb's POV

"Dude I am not being Zorro." I said for the final and hopefully the last time.

"Do you think being a vampire is just a tad bit too ironic?" Damon asked while holding up the costume.

"Maybe a little."

"Good I want to get under that girl, Taylor's skin."As he went to the clerk and bought it.

I was looking through the costumes. There was a werewolf, ew, a zombie, gross, and a.... grim reaper? Great, Lucy will look beautiful, but I'll look like a weirdo.

Damon walked back over, bag in hand and a smile on his face, "I've got the perfect outfit for you."

"What?" I asked, excited.


"Why?" I asked.

He just smirked and pointed and I followed the direction and saw Lucy and Taylor with bags from the halloween store and I could just barely make out the Wonder

Woman costume in Lucy's bag.

I looked back at Damon and said, "You're a genious."

His gave me a smile. "Always was, always will be." As he popped his color and walked out like he owned the place.

I just chuckled and grabbed the Super Man costume and checked out.

Tomorrow will be a dangerous night for everybody. I just hope I'll live to see the morning after Halloween.

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