Chapter 4 The Date that was Told For Centuries

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Lucy's POV

"Do you like it?" Taylor was practically jumping up and down and excitment.

I looked in the mirror and saw a stranger. My face looked flawless, my skin looked smooth and soft, my eyes were outlined in black eyeliner with smooth stright lines, with mascara that made my lashes lookes full and and made my eyes look bigger. I had smoky eyeshadow that looks like should be on a super model. The dress she brought is purple and had a heart shape neck line a tight bodice then went flowy and stopped right before my knees. My nails were painted black. And my shoes were high heels with black lace. My lips had a dark pink lip stick on them that worked for me. My hair had soft curls that actually looked good and tamed and no friz and not a hair was out of place. And to top off the look my neckless was still in place that was my mom's.

This wasn't me I never looked this perfect.

I started to do what I always do everyday, I wondered about my birth parents. I was told they died in a house fore and my father carried me out and gave me to a neighbor but went back inside for my mother. They both died that night leaving me alone in this cruel awful world. A hero they called my dad. Well I didn't want him to be a hero I wanted him to be my dad and hold me. But even then I gues god knew I was unworthy of love and ment to be alone. For me to never to know family, because of me I lost mine. You might say 'you were a baby what could you do?' Well that doesn't explain why everybody pushes me away after that. Well I know because what I do is make people leave me no matter how much I want them to stay they get ripped away. I met Taylor last year and made sure nobody picked on me because it is true what they say kids are cruel. But even I knew this was only temporary because she would leave me too.

I looked away from the mirror and said, "Looks great thanks."

She gave me a weird look but let it go. "Which purse do you want?" She held up a black one a silver one and and a white one.

"I don't care." As I shrugged on my jean jacket since it was getting cooler at night.

"Yes you do."

She always knew when I said that I always did care.

She put down the purses and stared at me demanding an answer from me.

"I feel like the hour glass sand is running out and I'm trying to get use to not needing you anymore."

"You better not, because I'm not going anywhere your stuck with me."

"But-" I began

"No." She cut me off, "I have dreamed of having a best friend like you and now that I found you we are friends for life. Even if you move I will move with you. End of discussion."

"Taylor-" She covered my mouth with her hand.

"End. Of. Discussion." I smiled under her hand and we hugged.

"Now," she began again, "black, silver, or white?"

I smiled more and said, "Black it will match more."

And from the smile she gave me I knew all was forgotten but a tiny voice in the back of my head murmured you deserve to be alone. But I told the voice to shut up and grabbed my purse.

The door bell rang and butterflies started again in my stomach again. I don't think I have ever felt this nervous.

"Oh wait!" She stuck a bottle of mace in my purse. I raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged her shoulders innocently, "I can't let my bestfriend to go out by herself with a random guy without a little protection."

I rolled my eyes and we giggled as we went downstairs to meet my Prince Charming.

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