Chapter 3 A Friend Comes For A Visit

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Lucy's POV

I just finished my shower around 6:52 and was waiting for Taylor to come over and work her magic. I swear she could make anybody look fantastic with some concealer, mascara and a great outfit.

But if I do my make up I end up looking like a clown on crack. So I stick to the basics, foundation maybe some mascara and lip gloss. I would occasionally wear eye liner but I usually ended up stabing my self in the eye and cursing up a storm and if I don't do that I draw the lines like I'm on drugs and end up looking stupid.

My hair was naturally curly but as soon as I ran my brush through it it would be as wavy as the ocean and frizz and turn into a affro. Right now it was wet and I didn't pull off the whole wet look. Personally I thought I looked like a drowned cat.

I got dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt knowing I would be changing in a little while anyways.

Brad was at his job as a construction worker so we we're safe. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him maning any kind of heavy machinery. I think he only has his job because of a friend. But then a sly grin slipped on my lips at the thought of him accidentally falling in a wood chipper.

I took ot my few pieces of make up and took out my curler and straightener that was a gift from Taylor from my last birthday and of corse she got me superhero dolls that I had decorated my room with.

My room was very small that it became almost uncomfortable. But I didn't mind because Brad hardly came in here due to the fact it's at the back of the house and he could hardly make it to his bedroom with out passing out in a drunken heap. I had a twin size bed that took up most of the room, a full body mirror that I got from one of the better foster care homes I was placed at for a christmas present, a dresser that just barely fit all my clothes, a night stand next to my bed that I found on the side of the road, and books were scattered everywhere. Superhero and band posters decorated my walls down to Superman to the band Bastille. My bedroom floor was wood and I had a window that I liked to look out of as I dreamt of freedom. It didn't really matter how cramped it was though, because it was quiet and peaceful at least until I left it. I liked to think it was my safe haven where no one could harm me.

Before Taylor got here I applied lots of foundation and concealer to cover my recent brusies. Mostly because she would shit a brick and bitch slap Brad.... again. And the last thing I want is Brad to get mad and hit her. Not that she couldn't handle herself she gots moves.... like as in Jackie Chan would run home to his mama and crying. She taught me everything I know. And yes we are ninjas her parents own a martial arts gym and we go every other day with the exception of today apparently, because of my date.

I was getting butterflies just thinking about him, I didn't even think of his name in fear that the butterflies would escape my stomach.

I heard the front door open and close and heard the clicking of Taylor's heels down the long hallway.

She entered with a big smile on her face. With a black garment bag thrown over shoulder a big black box no doubt containing her make up, and a shoe box between her arm and body. I felt like cinderella and she was my fairy god mother getting me ready for the ball to dance with my prince.

Taylor said, "Ready for me to work my magic on you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes fairy god mother."

She smirked, "I'm more like satan don't you see my horns?"

I couldn't help but giggle, "Then why help me oh powerful satan?"

She snorted as she walked towards me, "Aw honey, you are the Queen of hell of corse we're friends." I laughed, she was one of the few people in my life who could actually make me smile.

"Well then make me look like a Queen, satan."

Caleb POV

As I was about to find a stake to kill the vampire that was hissing at me I realized who he was. "God damnit Damon what are you doing here?"

Daemon was my best friend and a vampire, which was rare since all supernatural beings hate eachother but we came across each other when I was dealing with a gem assignment and he helped me slay a demon then we became instant friends. He had black hair and blue eyes like me but that's where the similarities stopped he was way taller than me and had huge muscles that if I didn't know drugs didn't work on vampires I would swear he was taking steroids. He had the whole bad ass thing down to the letter. He had a scar on his jaw line and a nose that had a bump on it that he odviously broke before he turned. He had this smirk that made every man - including me - want to punch him in the face. But girls seemed to love his bad boy attitude and smirk down to the motorcycle he drove, that stupid smirk, and the leather jacket he wore. He had a strong jaw line and cold blue eyes that seemed to know more than you want them to. The bad thing about Damon though was that he would always turn off his humanity making him not only a crazy mother fucker but he killed whenever somebody upset him. So ya he was the boy that everybody's father warned them about.

"I'm affeneded I thought you would love to see me." He put on a fake hurt face.

"Shut up you know what I mean."

He held up his hands in a mock surrender and said, "You caught me I'm here to kill everyone and bathe in thier blood."


"God you're to up tight, I'm here because I heard you were in town and I was in the next town over, I swear." As he did this he crossed his finger over his heart.

"Dude just next time don't pull a freaken Psycho moment ok?" I all but growled as I sat on the couch to open the laptop to find a perfect place to take Lucy. I was all but jumping out of my skin with excitement I wanted this date to be epic one we can tell our grand children.

"Dude that took place in the shower and I don't wanna see your stinky naked ass." He made a mock horror face.

I smirked and said, "And shoot I was looking forward for you to drink my blood like in the movie."

Damon frowned but could see he was trying not to laugh. "One, my fangs will never enter your body not even if it was that or a stake to the heart." I laughed. "Two, I don't know what movies your watching but in Psycho there isn't a vampire."

"Whatever." I chuckled.

Damon looked over my shoulder to look at the screen and sat next to me. "What are you doing?"

I stared at him, "I have a date."

His eyes went wide. "Are you serious?!? I thought you were going to wait for Susie. Man are going to let me hook you up now?"

I grined, "Dude her name is Lucy." Damon rolled his eyes. "Anyways my date is Lucy, I found her man. And she's gorgeous." I got temporarily lost in my thoughts of her.

Damon sprang up, "No way! Good for you man! Oh, oh, oh! Can I be the best man to you guys wedding and the godfather to your little gem babies!!"

I almost died of laughter as he went on like a girl. "Dude before any of that I gotta get her to fall in love with me and then tell her who she really is. And that means I gotta take her out on a fantastic date."

Daemon got this evil smile that ment he had a plan and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Man, I got an idea. I am so going to be the best man."

I rolled my eyes as he told me the best idea he has ever had.

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