Chapter 10 Stabbed

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Lucy's POV

"What happened?!?" I yelled as I finally pushed through the crowd that was circling a girl with a sword through her chest. The sword was silver with a gold handle with fancy designs on it. There was also a jewl on it was pure black. When I finally looked down at the victim. I knew her, she was Sandy Warner, she is- was my science partner. She was pretty with light brown hair and big brown eyes, always with a smile on her face.

She saw me and waved weakly at me to come closer. I knelt down and she whispered in my ear. "He told me to tell you... that he.... will find you... and you will never have his crown..." She coughed and looked back at me. "He said that my death is on you and everyone after this... if you don't surrender."

I looked back at her, what was she talking about! "Who, who told you to tell me?"

She took one final breath before she exhaled her last breath, "Your Uncle, please I don't want to die." Then her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was dead. What was she talking about I didn't kill her!!!

I got up and realized I was crying and I wiped my cheeks as I saw someone in the woods smiling evily at me. He looked in his 30's and it looked like he was laughing and waved and mouthed 'see you soon' then turned around as if to leave. I started to run towards him I don't even know why I just felt like he killed Sandy.

When I caught up to him he turned around and said, "Thank god, I thought I would have to do something drastic like kill your soul mate or your knight."

I was about to ask what he was talking about, but then he stuck something in my arm and I looked down to see a needle in me. I felt dizzy and I saw him throw another black stone to the ground and it lit up and the ground opened up. "Jump." He comanded but I just stood there struggling to not pass out. He rolled his eyes and pushed me down and the last thing I saw was Taylor, Damon, and Caleb all screaming at me and I think Taylor changed her costume because she was now dressed as a knight. How odd.

All I saw and felt was darkness closing up and around me, and the sensation of falling to my death. The evil laugh of my so called 'uncle' followed me down. Before I hit the end of the hole I passed out.

Caleb's POV

When Lucy heard the blood curling scream she ran off into the throng of people before I could blink. I tried to push my way through but it was no use I wasn't getting through. I found Damon and Taylor both wore scared faces, not that I would tell them that since I perfer to live.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"Somebody got stabbed by a sword with a black gem on the handle." Taylor answered.

I ran my hands through my hair.


"It means we're in deep shit." Taylor whispered.

"The King is here." I clarified.

Taylor's head whipped up. "Where's Lucy?"

"We got seperated-"

"God damn you! Don't you see this was a trap. Good job prince you just killed your soul mate." Taylor yelled, she said prince with such hatefulness that I flinched.

"Taylor-" Damon tried.


Damon grabed her and they were face to face and he wiped her tears. "She is going to die if you don't stop talking in circles what are you?"

"I'm a knight of the round table, right hand to the Queen of the Gems."

Damon let go as if she was on fire and he looked at her with shock. "But you're a-"

"Woman." I finished in the same amazement.

"Yes I am thanks for noticing, now which way did Lucy go?" Seeming to have gotten herself under control.

I pointed in the direction she ran off and she took out a gem neckless and she was suddenly in knights armor except well hot. I love Lucy and all and I will love her for the rest of my life but I never seen a woman with knight armor on and she pulled it off. She drew her sword and with vengeance in her eyes.

We all ran and when we saw Lucy we all ran at full speed and probably looked like a blur. I saw the King push her in the portal back to our realm then jump afterward and knew she was gone and I screamed her name as I made it to where she l fell but the portal was closed and there was no way back to her, The king would seal all entrances. I started digging at the ground screaming her name, cursing the gods, begging for anybody to help me but it was useless she was just out of my reach and she was with a monster. I could faintly see and hear Taylor screaming too as Damon held her trying to calm her, through my haze of grief

This whole time I've been worried about my life because I was so certain she would survive... I didn't let my mind wander there. She must be alive I can feel that she's still alive.

That night I made a vow to make it back to her or die trying.

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