Chapter 12 Three Go In

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Caleb's POV

It was 11:54 at night and I was in the woods with a bunch of witches and Taylor and Damon. The witches were chanting and you could almost feel the energy around us. I felt giddy, I was going to see her, hold her, kiss her, and tell her I love her and how sorry I am.

Taylor was already in her knight armor sword drawn swearing she would kill everybody here if this didn't work. She looked awful, with black smuges and bags under eyes. She looked super skiny and her hair wasn't full and pretty as it usually is.The worry lines replaced her laughter lines. She took Lucy's kidnapping just as bad as I was, she's been calling in every favor, debt, and friend she had to get to Lucy. It was werid because knights arn't supposed to be emotionally attached but clearly Taylor and Lucy were best friends. Damon on the other hand had worry lines too mostly from worrying about Taylor.

I walked over to Taylor, "Thanks for this."

"It's my duty." She stated. "I have to serve and protect her no matter what. Even if that means my life it return." She turned on her heel and walked away.

I thought that was a little weird. But it quickly left my mind when the leader of the coven spoke, "It's time, stand over where the Queen fell and hold hands. Do NOT let go or you could be scattered in differnt realms and that wouldn't help the Queen." We all noded and held hands, Taylor, Damon, then me.

I prayed with everything I had that this would work as I ran my free hand through my hair. They repeated the spell over and over again. Right when I was sure it wouldnt work the ground opened up and it was down the rabbit hole.

When we reached the bottom it felt like I landed on clouds. The Gem Realm was very peculiar. It kinda looked like the place from the story with Arthur.... what was it called? Ah yes Camelot. That story was based on this place and we don't have any electronics because we see no true need for it. Anything that was not found in the midevil days was simply conjured with magic. I thought it was appalling how many trees the mortal realm cut down and how they butchered their realm with fossil fuels and slowly kill their once beautiful planet.

We landed in the middle of the woods.

"I'll climb the tree to figure out where we are." I spoke and began towards a tree.

"No need we are in the Never Land Forest and the castle is...." Taylor said and looked up at the sky and pointed. "That way." Then marched off without explanation.

"How do you...." I began but she cut me off while keeping her brisk pace.

"It is my job to know the land. I learned it when I was a girl, it's childs play." Ow, that hurt my pride. I just laughed it off. Damon was just snickering at her attitude. I rolled my eyes, they belong together.

We hiked for a good 3 hours, but we finally made it to the castle. Taylor stopped us.

"We rest, then go tomorrow. " Taylor commanded. And turned around to set up camp.

"Why? It's right there we can go get her, then go." I reasoned.

She stopped and turned her glare on me full force, and stepped up to me, and she wasn't short, so we were nose to nose, but I didn't back down, though she was damn scary.

"Because your highness," she sneered, "We are all tired even Batman over there." She pointed to Damon who just smiled. "We just hiked 3 hours and we are all tired. We are all hungry, and we are no use to Lucy in this state, insted of saving her we would probably just kill her and ourselves. So I suggest," She said it in a way that ment there was no suggestions made it was a command. "We rest up, and make a thing called a plan, insted of rushing in there half cocked like you obviously want to do." I winced, that was exactly what I planed on doing. "Is that alright with you?" She raised a brow when I didn't answer. I noded. "Alrighty then, let's get camp set up, you guys set up the fire and I'll find us some food." She turned and left.

"That was so hot." Damon said all dreamy eyed.

"Come on." I hit him in the arm and we went to find fire wood.


A little while later we had the fire built and Taylor hadn't returned quite yet.

"I think I'm falling for Taylor." Damon blurted.

"I know." I responded.

"Is it obvious?" He said in horror.

"Nah, it's just because I know you. To her you still look like a playor."

He winced, but he knew it was true, he got around.

"I just feel like she puts up a front, and hides behind all her attitude. I think I havn't even met the real Taylor."

I put a finger on my chin and tapped it. "I wonder who that sounds like?" I made a pointed look.

"Shut up." He responded and we laughed.

Taylor finally returned with a deer slung over shoulder.

She threw it down and we looked at her in suprise.

"You guys cook it, I killed it, plus if I cook it I hope you guys like black burnt flavour. "

She held her gem and she was back in street clothes. Then she walked over to the other side of the fire and layed down.

"This is going to be a long couple of days isn't it?" Damon said as he started preparing the meat.

"If we survive the next couple of day." Taylor answered and rolled onto her side.

We ate and went to sleep,

we didn't speak much.


Somebody kicked my side pulling me back to waking life.

"Wake up!" Another kick. I sat up.

"Aw, finally! Come on get ready I have a plan, I'll explain it over breakfast."

I got up and berries and nuts were for breakfast and Taylor explained her plan, it was good. Crazy sometimes but good.

We left and and went to put our plan in action.

Raymond's POV

I was in the dungeon with that brat Lucy but she wasn't screaming anymore.

"What happened?!?" I yelled at my men.

"Your highness, we don't know, one minute she was screaming in delicious torture and the next she got this far away look and she just lay there it's like she's a vegetable." Carl my special torturer told me.

I went into her cell and made her look at me. Her face showed nothing as usual, but her eyes were blank like there was nobody in there. A smile creeped on my face.

"She's broken. She lost her sanity. Good job boys." I laughed in triumph.

"Your highness," A guard spoke that came rushing in. "Prince Caleb, Knight Taylor and a gentelmen named Damon just walked into your castle and say they surrender."

"Very well I will see them. Bring the girl but don't bring her out until I say so. I do love surprises." I said and with a smile I went to meet our new guests.

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