Chapter 16 Fairy Tales and Happily Ever Afters

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Lucy's POV

I smoothed my white dress and fixed my vale.

My hair and make up was ok, but if Taylor was here she could make me look fantastic. A pang went through my heart. I missed her, I had no idea where she was, I just hoped she was safe.

I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I told the person on the other side of the door. The door opened and as if I conjured her with my thoughts, there stood Taylor with her straight blonde hair and black leather jacket and black pants and black knee high combat boots like last time, though there was no mask this time.

"Who did your make up and hair? They should be sentenced to death for their crime." She smirked her famous smirk.

I ran and hugged her. "You came!" I said excited.

"I couldn't miss my best friend's wedding day, could I?" She said in a duh voice. "But I can't stay, at least not in sight." She pulled up her jacket sleve looking at her black watch. She looked like she was calculating something in her head and she pursed her lips."We have 40 minutes before I have to leave."

"Why can't you stay?" I pleaded. "You can be my maid of honor."

"It's not safe. I'm a wanted girl."She shrugged innocently. "They like to call me 'the blonde warrior' and lots of people want me dead. But that won't stop me from watching your wedding. Now lets redo your make up and do something pretty with your hair." I noded, happy to have my best friend for a little while.

About 40 minutes later, I looked beautiful. My eyes looked bigger, my cheeks looked rosier, and my lips looked fuller. My hair was done up in a braid around my head and with little flowers decorated through it with a few strands here and there framing my face. She made me wear small pear ear rings that made me look amazing.

"Look we havn't got much time." Taylor told me. "Here," She dug into her knee high combat boots and pulled out a piece of wood. "This is ancient wood from my people. If you light it, I will come running, guns blazing and a small army behind me." She gripped my hand and wrapped my hand around the piece of wood.

Damon pounded on the door. "You ready Lucy?" Damon asked from the other side of the door.

"Hold on!" I yelled.

"I drank a potion he can't hear me, but he can hear you so don't talk." When I noded she continued. "You can only light that during emergencies Lucy, I'm not kidding, it's dangerous right now for me to come out of hidding. And people still need my help getting rid of the kings men's hold over the people." Taylor explained.

I held up my index finger. I found a pen and paper scribled words on it and showed it to her.

What about Damon he's been looking for you. He thinks your dead.

"I know. He needs to think that. Don't worry I got everything handled. Now go get yourself married girl!" She hugged me again. She took out a potion off her belt and downed a blue one. She smiled and slowly diapeared until only her smile remained. Cheshire cat style. I laughed to myself, "I'm gonna miss you too Taylor."

I opened up the door to a confused Damon.

I walked by him and we went to our spot and I heard the famous wedding music signaling it was our turn. Damon agreed to walk me down the aisle and give me away. We linked arms. The doors opened and we started to walk down the aisle. The whole kingdom was here. The people seemed to like me and I loved them. I made sure nobody was in poverty anymore. I made it rain where it needed for crops and controlled the weather when necessary.

After we walked down the aisle everything was a blur except for the I Do Kiss.

We were on a horse, and I was in his lap, ridding away literally into the sun set with my Prince Charming.

"I feel like my life is a fairy tale." I said.

"It better, from this point on I want your life to feel exactly like a fairy tale." Caleb said matter a factly.

"I love you." I told him staring into his gaze.

"I love you more." He stated.

"I love you most." I disagreed.

"I love you more than you know." He kissed my forehead.

"We love each other equally." I negotiated.

He seemed satisfied. "We love each other equally. " He agreed.

And I got my happily ever after.... For now.





Warriors is the next book title. Go on to read the sneak peek!

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