Chapter 2 Embarrassment to Last a Life Time

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Lucy's POV

It felt like home as i hugged him so tight. I thought this is where I belong and this is who will take me away from my wretched life.

Then I heard a cough and a voice that was familiar and it felt like the fog that clouded my mind lifted. "Umm, Luce? Luce? Lucy.. we... are gonna be late... to you know history...?"

Heat crawled up my cheeks as I slowly let go and looked into his rich blue gaze.

He looked so happy. And if I was being honest I felt happy to but I didn't even know this guy and when our eyes connected it's like I was in a trance, then next thing I know i'm hugging him.

I stuttered as I remembered my embarrassment. "I am soo sorry!" I stepped back from his grasp and I instantly wanted the connection back back I forced my hands to stay at my sides. "I don't know what came over me!"

He didn't look happy and looked like he let me go with some reluctants too but then I discarded that thought, that was just hopeful thinking.

He was handsome I gotta admit with blue eyes that look like the ocean and black hair that was black as night I would bet even blacker than mine. He had a perfect angular face with strong bone structure. A stright nose and lips that were so perfect I just wanted to kiss them until I couldn't breathe and a demple that showed up when he smiled made me want to die; but at the moment his lips were turned down. He had on a black V neck that showed off his delicious muscles and I wouldn't be surprised if he was carrying a 6 pack under there. He was also wearing faded jeans that fit perfectly on him. He literally looked like he stepped out of one of my books. I wanted to go to the ground and say 'I'm not worthy!'.

He looked at me more intensely, if that were possible. And said, "Forget about it, I'm Caleb, I'm new."

" I'm Lucy and i'm not new.... not

to say i'm  old.... or that your young.... or that your old." SHUT UP! I pressed my lips together into a thin line as he smirked and that dimple made a reappearance and my legs started turning to jelly.

He looked amused as he said, "Well Lucy.... would you like to go on a date tonight?"

At the sound of my name from his lips felt like an actual caress. But when he asked me out my jaw literally hit the floor and I lost what little capability I had to speak.

That's when my best friend Taylor that i've been talking to before this happend and I became crazy and hugged him; stepped in and took my arm. "She'd love to pick her up at 8 and don't be late." And with that she dragged me and we walked away. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, "Close your mouth sweetie or you'll catch flies."

I gave my best friend a death stare as I closed my mouth and she held her hands up in surender. "Ok, ok, sheesh i'm sorry ok?" I stopped giving her the look but didn't quite forgiver yet.

She looked like a movie star as well. She had blonde hair that was natural in a in your face kinda way. Green eyes that would also change from time to time depnding her mood. And a smile that could make you smile. She had the perfect body that guys just couldn't resist, she wasn't to skinny or to fat and again all was natural. It would make some girls crazy jealous but I didn't mind because not only she my bestfriend she helps me be invisible and that's how I like it. To top off all her flawlessness down to her perfect make up she doesn't even know she's beautiful and that makes her all the more awesome.

"Why would you agree to that!" I almost yelled.

And then she took my hands in hers and stopped us in the hallway making people swarm around us giving us dirty looks. "Luce you've had the worst luck anybody can have and when people would usually give up amd throw in the towel and go insane; it just makes you stronger. Now you are beatiful and any guy would be luckey to have you. Caleb is the only one who asked you out because you put out vibes like you want everybody to stay away." That's because I do. "And I know you do that to protect your self but Luce you gotta let somebody in or you are going to always feel so alone and you deserve better than that. Now he's yummy and he's  drool worthy and he likes you so you're going." I was about to speak but she put her hand over my mouth and gave me a death stare that matched my own. "You're going." I finally gave up and rolled my eyes and nodded. She smiled brightly and said as she dragged me to walk again and released my mouth, "I'll be over at 7 to help you get ready." Oh lord this is going to be a loong day. I thought.

Caleb POV

I found her! Oh my god I found her! I couldn't believe after all this time I actually did. And I have a date tonight. I smiled at that. Oh my god I have a date tonight with my soul mate and I. Have. No. Idea. Where. To. Take. Her.

I started to panic. I just made it to town all I know is the buger place and that's no place to take your soul mate!

I drove home to the house my family were staying in and flopped down on the couch about to Google the hell out of this town to find the perfect spot.

Then I heard a noise and I jumped up my parents were both out doing extra work for the Gems.

I yelled, "Show yourself or risk the wrath of a Gem!" If it was a mortal then they would think I was being self coinciding. But if it was a supernatural being then it would make them shake in their boots but no need to tell him I haven't retrieved my power yet.

That's when I got tackled it felt like I got hit by a truck, and fangs and blood red eyes stared at me.

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