Chapter 15 Kings and Queens.... and Damon

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Caleb's POV

"We need to calm our breathing!" I yelled over the rumbleing and thunder. My father always told me when my parents got their powers that they needed to control their breathing and heart beat. And we needed to master that quick before we destroyed the castle.

We both breathed deep breaths, slowly the rumbling and storm calmed and stopped. I admeditly smiled. She truely loved me with all her heart and I loved her with everything I had and more.

Damon ran in, "What the hell is going on in here!" Damon shrieked at us. He was covered in mud and drenched in rain. "I was digging Raymond's grave, when it was suddenly the starting of the apocalypse! And I know you two did something." He pointed at us with a muddy finger. "THIS WAS MY FAVORITE SHIRT AND IT'S RUINED!" He screamed.

Me and Lucy stared at each other, and then back at Damon, then back to each other then we started laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

Damon gave us dirty looks, threw his hands up and yelled, "I'm dealing with children!" And left us alone once more.

We continued to laugh our heart out. Damon yelled for us to shut up three times before we actually did.

I tucked loose stramds of Lucy's hair behind her ear. Still smiling with happiness.

"God you're beautiful." I sighed.

"God you're handsome." She said in return.

I smiled bigger. "Are you ready to be Queen?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "That all depends... are you ready to be king?"

"That means you have to marry me." I joked. But I felt the ring was burning a hole in my pocket. I bought it after we got back to the mortal realm and had a day to recuperate, I went out and bought a ring, knowing I wanted to spend my life with nobody else.

"Then ask me." She said stepping back.

I looked into her eyes trying to make out if she was serious. When I saw she was, I got on my knee and pulled out the ring. "Lucy will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, soul mate, and my one and only love."

She looked down at the ring. It was silver with a rose diamond setting. She smiled and tears pooled in her eyes.

"Of corse you idiot." She punched me in the shoulder and I laughed and picked up the ring and put it on her ring finger.

I got up and kissed her again with more passion than I had to give.

"Do you know what takes mud out of fabric Luc-" Damon walks in with his muddy shirt. Me and Lucy separate and look at him still holding each other. He threw his ruined shirt at us and walked away yelling, "I'm done! I'm going to go die! Again! I miss Taylor she wouldn't put up with this!"

I just chuckled, totally content.

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