Chapter 9 The King Arrives

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Lucy's POV

Taylor and I just made it to the beach and I gotta say we looked great. My hair was down and curly and a little crazy but in a good way and I had mascara and eyeliner on, red lip stick, and red Wonder Woman boots that were knee high. I even had the lasso of truth and her bullet reflecters. Of corse it was just rope and stainless steel but hey it's all about imagination.

Taylor's hair was down also hers is curly but tamed and her make up was amazing with red eye shadow and also red lipstick on. She actually looked like the devil in her outfit.

We made to the swarm of people as everybody was already pretty drunk. We walked to the fire and I watched the flames lick the night sky, trying to vanish the darkeness.

"So.... what do you wanna do?" Taylor asked and her eyes reflected excitment.

"Wanna dance?" I asked back.

Caleb's POV

"Dude relax, they'll be here." Damon stated as I looked around the beach trying to find Lucy again.

"Well they're cutting it close." I grumbled. It was almost midnight and that's when the King plans to go through. And if this plan is going to work I gotta find Lucy.

"Look what'd I tell you?" As he pointed to a throng of people dancing. It took me a minute to find her and I thought it was impossible for her to get more beautiful, she proved me wrong again. She was dancing with Taylor and they were laughing about something I couldn't quite make out.

"What are they talking about?" I asked Damon since he was probably ease dropping anyways.

He smirked, "Who else? Us."

That brought a smile to my face and I made my way towards her.

I tapped her shoulder, "May I have a dance Wonder Woman?"

Lucy's POV

I turned around to see Super Man himself asking me for a dance. Of course it wasn't really Super Man, it was better.

I took Caleb's hand and looked at Taylor to see if it was ok and she smiled and noded while she hooked a thumb behind her at Damon, "Somebody's gotta look after him to make sure he doesn't eat somebody." He scowled at her. And I looked in confusion at her last statement but before I could say anything Damon dragged me to dance and right at that moment the music changed to a slow song because that's just my luck.

I blushed and said, " I don't know how to..."

He seemed to get it and made me stand on his shoes. And placed my hands around the back of his neck and started dancing in fluid movements. I gasped as we started to move.

He had a spandex costume with a S in the middle of his chest. He didn't even need fake muscles to fill it out. He even had a cape and he looked hot. Then it hit me we matched.

"Super Man huh?" I asked with sarcasm.

"Ok I might have saw the costume you bought. And that might have influenced my decision."

I gave him a suspicious grin. "You look so beatiful tonight." He said and I scanned his face for any kind of lie. When I found none I blushed and ducked my head. "I love your rosy cheeks. But not as much as I love your smile."

This made me smile against my will then he smiled and his dimples winked at me. "I love your smile to." As I brushed my hand against his cheek. And he kissed me like I was the only thing that was holding him down and keeping him from flying away. He deepend the kiss and I ran my fingers through his soft hair, trying to get closer to him. When he finally broke the kiss we were both breathing heavily fighting for oxygen.

"Lucy, I love y-" But he was cut off by somebody screaming bloody muder in the woods, the kind that makes the hair raise on the your neck. And trust me when I said, it did.

Taylor's POV

As soon as Lucy and Caleb were gone I turned to Damon, the bane of my existents. I gave him my most hateful smile and said,"Your costume is..." I looked him up and down seeing his vampire costume. "fitting." I finished.

He looked me up and down at me with hungry eyes. "You too."

"Wanna know the best part of this costume." I purred seductively.

"What?" Damon said and I were a breath away.

"My pitch fork, you see...." I got even closer. "It's made of wood." His eyes got big as I stabbed him in the stomach. He groaned as I took it back out.

He whispered in my ear, "The King is coming." Pure fear filled me.

"When?" I asked keeping up my swagger front but inside I was screaming in panic.

"Tonight." He responded as the bleeding stopped.

"Do you have a plan or do you plan on just letting the princess die?" I raised a challenging brow.

"Of corse we have a plan. Who are you?" Damon said.

"What's the plan? And I'm Taylor stupid, did you lose to much blood?"

"I mean what are you."

I stiffened, "None of your business now tell me the damn plan before it's too late." I rose the pitch fork between us again as if threatening I would stab him again.

He held up his hands and laughed at me. " Ok, ok, the plan is-"  The blood curling scream made my eyes go big.

He was here.

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