Chapter 6 No Touching Rule is the Golden Rule

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Lucy's POV

Taylor helped me inside my house and into my bed.

I swallowed and said, "The dress you let me borrow was destroyed I'm sorry."

She looked at me angry. She stopped crying on the way here. "Don't apologize. It's that good for nothing Brad's fault, I wish he would just do everyone a favor and jump off a cliff."

I laughed but it hurt. Taylor look like she was feeling guilty again, I'm still confused on why she does, but none the less she's my best friend and this wasn't her fault.

"None of that." I rasped, "You had no way of knowing."

She gave me a weak smile and noded. "Sleep, I'll be back."

As if I feel asleep just by that simple comand my eye lids shut and my dreams consisted of Caleb.

Taylor's POV

I was at the stupid super market, getting stupid liquor, for stupid Brad, so he wouldn't hurt Lucy again. Wanna know why he would do that? Because he's stupid.

I got a couple bottles of whisky and a case of beer. God this shit is expensive. God I wish I could just tell Lucy  who she is and then take her back home to our world where she'd be safe. I was about to today when I remembered my commanders voice. It's not your place to tell her. You're a knight not her friend. Protect her, don't get involved with feelings. And most importantly make sure her uncle doesn't get his hands on her.

I shut my eyes at the memory that was almost 6 years ago. Gems age slower. I rubbed my temples as I got the beginning of a migrain. I just wish Caleb would tell her already.

As I started to get in the check out line, the guy from today who had his mouth open in surprise when I kneed Caleb, was walking towards me. For the love of all things mighty.

"Nice moves today." He smirked. Great a smirker just what I need. But he was handsome with shiny black hair and cool blue eyes also super tall. And muscles galore. But one look at him at him and I sensed he was a vampire. Perk of being a knight gem.

To mess with him I whispered in his ear,"Oh honey I got more moves than you can imagine." Then walked away.

He quickly caught up to me though I didn't really expect him to just stop and leave me alone, but hey a girl's gotta dream.

"I bet you do," He said and I flicked him off.

"Aw and I thought you and me were making progress." He mock pouted.

"You know how we could make progress?" He noded eagerly, "If you stopped breathing and stopped wasting my oxygen." I smiled brightly and walked forward again.

He grabbed my shoulder, "Now wait a minute, I just have a question about Luc-" I didn't think I grabbed his arm and flipped him over on his back in front of me.  It was instinct when somebody touched me, no one would hurt me again. I stepped on his throat. "No touching, do it again and I will break your neck." A crowd began to gather so I bent down and whispered. "But we both know that it wouldn't stay broken for long don't we?" I gave him my most crazy grin as I walked away from his surprised gaze. And just for the hell of it I chucked a toy vampire bat at him that I got off the shelf. And said, "Better run home before something scarier than me comes out."

I couldn't believe it was almost Halloween....

I checked out, and went home to my best friend.

Damon's POV

Well then. I'm not telling Caleb about that incident I would never hear the end of it. She was beautiful with her blond hair flowing behind her as if as a after thought. She knew what I was and that was dangerous. I don't think she was human but one never knew these days, there are girl fighters beating up drug lords. I remember when girls weren't even allowed to hunt. Which by the way I personally thought was stupid, but hey I didn't expect a little thing like her to take me down. But she was a firey beauty that attracts me to her like a moth to a flame. I just hope I don't get burned.

I headed outside to see Caleb leaning against the super market.

"No luck." I admitted.

"What happened?" He asked a the first bit of a smile formed on his lips, the first one since I told him about Lucy.

I made a pouty face, "I don't think she likes me very much."

"Did you touch her?" He smirked.

"I don't wanna talk about it!" I all but yelled.

Caleb started laughing, laughing at me, his own friend. "It's not funny!" I huffed.

He bent over in laughter and gasped, "You're right it's hilarious!"

"Let's go." I grumbled. And went to the car.

Caleb's laughter followed me and I started to fume.

When we got in the car I crossed my arms in irritation as he continued to laugh.

His phone rang and he picked it up, and he immediately sobered.

After a few minutes he hung up and his face was emotionless as stone.


"The king is coming on halloween night."

"But that means..."

"He's going to kill Lucy." He said through clenched teeth.

"And anybody else who gets in his way." I added.

Caleb looked me dead in the eye, "Are you in?"

"I couldn't think of a better way to die." As I gave him a crazy smile.

Caleb drove back to his house as we began to make a plan.

5 days until halloween. And I could almost hear the sand running through the hour glass.

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