Chapter 11 The Truth Comes Out

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Lucy's POV

When I regained consciousness a bag was over my head and I was sitting in a metal chair and my arms and feet were tied down. I listened to see if anybody was in the room but I heard nothing but a dripping sound and my rapid heartbeat.

I tested the ropes and they were super tight. That's when the bag was ripped off my head and I saw my "uncle" staring back at me with hateful eyes.

I looked around to see I was in a prison like cell. The walls and floor were made of stone and the bars of the cell were metal, and the floor looked damp and the ceiling was leaking.

"Hello princess." He said with such hatred that I flinched. "It's time you had a family history lesson." He went on, "Your dad was a prince and I was the oldest set to be the king. But my father thought I wasn't fit." He yelled. "Your father married a maid and moved to the mortal realm. He had everything and gave it up for a woman." He said with disgust. He then reached down and gripped my face, "I was fine with that because I would get to be king, but as soon as they had you they were coming back to reclaim the crown for themselves." He let go of me and stood up cooly. " I couldn't have that, could I? So of corse I killed them and I thought you. Then I killed my father." He said with a smirk. This man is crazy I thought to myself. "But let me introduce myself and yourself properly. I'm Raymond The Second the King of the gems. And you are-well supposed to be the Lucy Connel Queen of the gems but that was before I killed you. Don't worry I won't. I just have to make people believe I did, I have a much worse fait for you."

I found my voice, "What's gems?"

"Aw sweetie we are the most powerful supernatural beings on all the realms. We are faster, stronger, and smarter than mortals. We all get a soul mate and once we announce our love for them we receive powers and the closer you are to the royal family the more powerful you are. Honey we are even immortal."

"You got the wrong girl I'm not any of those things I'm completely normal.'' I tried to reason.

"Aw, it's only because you havn't embraced your heritage. And you never will." He chuckled.

"What are you going to do to me!" I screamed.

He turned around and started walking out of the cell. "Torture of corse for the rest of your life."

"Caleb will find me!"

He turned around and said as cold as ice, "No he won't I sealed all openings to our realm your stuck with me."

"He'll never stop looking for me he loves me!" But I didn't truely know that, but I loved him and that was enough.

"Then he'll die trying. You must pay for your family's sins." He laughed then said, "She's all yours boys just make sure she doesn't die, that's too easy." Then two men stepped in and they were mucled with tatoos covering all there visible skin. They brought in cases of what im guessing was torture stuff. He wants me to go insane... I thought and immediately knew it was true he wanted me to go crazy from the pain. Well I refuse to give him the satisfaction Caleb will find me. I just have to stay sane. Thats when they brought out all the knives, ammonia, gasoline, and water.

I just have to stay sane, I love Caleb. I just have to stay sane, I love Caleb. That was my montra as the first cut dug into my skin.

Caleb's POV

~3 Months Later~

I slammed my fist in the wall, causing another hole in my wall. We have tried everything from witches to warlocks, hell we even tried a wizard and we are no closer to getting Lucy. I havn't slept in days.

Damon walked in and had a bag of food. "Dude eat, I have news." I sat down eating a cheese bugar and fries waiting for him to continue. "You look like hell." I laughed humorless.

"I try."

"I mean Taylor at least looks a little hot but I mean...."

"What's the news?" I asked expecting disapointment.

"Taylor found a loop whole around the seal." He stated mater factly.

I sprang up and hope filled my empty heart. "How? When can we leave?"

He winced, "She got a coven of witches to except the spell but the deal was.... the same number that goes in has to come back."

I ran my hands through my hair. If I knew she was safe would I be able to stay there without her? The answer was barely, but I would she was worth everything.

"I'll sacrifice myself." I stated. He just noded in respect knowing there was no way to talk me out of this.

"Be in the woods Lucy was taken at midnight, luckey us that there is a full moon tonight." I noded and he left.

I'm coming Lucy just hold on a little longer.

Lucy's POV

I screamed and yelled for mercy but found none. My vocal cords were messed up again from my screaming again. I had scars all over my body from the torture.

I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't hang on to my sanity. If there was any left. I tried to stay strong. Tears ran down my cheeks as they tried to drown me again waiting until my lungs were filled with water to pull me out and start again. They threw me to the ground.

I was nothing but skin and bones the last time I ate was last week and that was a loaf of bread and a cup of water. My hair was mangled. They dragged me up to my feet. No more my mind begged. When they injected me with ammonia and it felt like my skin was burning from the inside out. It felt like my skin would literally fall off my bones. I screamed in pain.

There was only way I would stay alive and it wasn't keeping what little sanity I had left.

I'm sorry Caleb, I don't know what else to do.

I took what little sanity I had left and put it in a box in the back of my mind. Just like that I felt nothing. No pain, grief, loneliness, disappointment, but the most important thing that I didn't feel is love and that killed a part of me.

I'm sorry. I thought one last time before I escaped into my head.

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