10. Fedoras & OTPs

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(Pete's P.O.V)

I couldn't get that night out of my head. It may have been a simple night with movies and pizza but it was probably the best memory I have. Being suspended and grounded kept me away from Patrick which drove me insane. I hadn't had the chance to see Patrick since that night and he stopped coming around with 'homework', I'm pretty sure my parents started growing suspicious with Patrick's frequent visits. But today that all changed. I was going back to school today and my sentence was to be lifted the moment I climbed into my car for school. My whole body buzzed with excitement as I got ready for school. I had decided on wearing a Blink-182 shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. To top the whole thing off I applied eyeliner because I knew Patrick had a mega weakness with the article of make-up, especially when I wore it. My heart must have thought it was in a marathon because it had started a sprint from the moment I had woken up and it was still beating rapidly in my chest.

I left the house with a giddy smile. I was so excited to see Patrick and I knew he would be excited to see me too. I left earlier than usual because I wanted to surprise Patrick by picking him up for school, something I haven't done in so long. I played All Time Low's demo tape in my car because Alex and the others will want to know my thoughts about it. I pulled up at Patrick's house just in time. He was about to climb into his car but he glanced up at the sound of me pulling up.

I wound down the window and flashed a smile at Patrick. I laughed at his blown away expression, the look he often had when I smiled. Patrick closed his car door and rushed over to my car with a smile of his own.

"Pete!" he exclaimed. "You're free!"

I laughed. "Yep, that means I get to spend more time with you."

A blush lit Patrick's face up and he lowered his eyes so that we didn't have to make eye contact. I smirked at Patrick as I pulled away from the curve. On the way to school Patrick filled me in on everything that had been happening since my suspension. The group had bets on Jack and Alex getting together which kind of amused me because I've been secretly waiting for that to happen from the moment I met them. The group had gotten so enraptured by the boys that they had dubbed them Jalex.

"To be honest I've been waiting for this to happen since I met them," I told Patrick.

"Really?" Patrick asked.

I nodded and grinned. "Do they know about us?"

Patrick shook his head. "They haven't had the chance to notice us because of your suspension and they've been so intrigued by Jalex."

"I wonder what they would call us?"

"Um, I'm not sure . . ." Patrick pursed his lips as he tried to think of a ship name for us. "I honestly have no clue."

I laughed. "Maybe we should leave it for them to figure out."

I pulled into a parking spot beside Vic's car. Patrick and I quickly climbed out of the car. After I locked my car we hurried towards the tree we sat at in the morning, excitement shot through my body as my eyes landed on the group. The first thing I noticed was how touchy Jack and Alex were. Jack had his head cradled in Alex's lap and Alex ran his fingers through Jack's hair. They sat slightly away from the group but that didn't stop the group from glancing towards the pair and talking amongst themselves. Jenna was looking at Jack and Alex but I must have caught her attention because she looked in my direction. A grin spread across her face as she tapped the two people closest to her, Kellin and Joe. She pointed in my direction and soon everyone else looked to where she was pointing. Except for Alex and Jack because they were in their on little world.

"Pete!" the group exclaimed as I finally got closer to them.

"Hey guys," I greeted them.

"Wait! When did Pete get here?" Jack demanded.

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