4. Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner

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(Patrick's P.O.V)

Things were a lot easier after Pete had taken me under his wing. The jocks stayed away from me because of the amount of times Pete and Zack had threatened them but it didn't stop the jocks from staring at me in disdain. The only one that didn't listen to their threats was Jake. He would find amusement in shoving me with his shoulder and pushing me into the wall of lockers but that's as far he went, so maybe the threats did bother him too.

I spent a lot of my time at Pete's helping him perfect the song he had been working on and to be honest I was impressed with his work. Once the song was finished I would have to show Joe and Andy so that they can hear the perfection that has been created.

I walked down the hallway with Andy and Joe beside me. They talked about asking Pete to join the band as a bassist because we, well, we needed one. I had considered asking Pete but I wasn't sure how he would react. We rounded a corner to see that some of the girls that hung out with Jake were cornering a girl with brown hair with blonde highlights. I realized that she was new because I've never seen her before. The closer we got I could see that her hazel eyes were wide with shock. The girls that had her surrounded were worse than Jake because they were bitches. One of the bimbos reached out and slapped the new girl.

"Is that the best you've got?" the new girl demanded.

Another girl stepped forward and pinned her against the wall. Andy, Joe and I stopped walking. I stepped forward with a surge of anger but Joe grabbed me.

"One of them dates Jake," Joe whispered.

"Someone go get Pete, Jenna or Zack they'll help," I said.

Andy and Joe took off down the hallway in the attempt to try and find the people I had asked for. I had asked for Jenna because she was getting really good with dealing with the group of bitches in front of me. I stepped towards the group of girls ad shouldered my way past them. I gently pushed my way between the bitch pushing the new girl against the wall and the girl that was trapped in the bitch's clutches.

"Ladies, I think you should calm down," I snapped. They moved back slightly. I glanced back over my shoulder to see that the new girl was shaking slightly. "What seems to be the problem?"

One of the girls pointed at the new girl. "She says she doesn't like One Direction."

"You do realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions right?" I asked.

The girl opened her mouth to reply but Jake's voice stopped her. Instead she flashed me a grin that suggested that I was about to be murdered.

"What's going on here?" Jake asked.

"We're trying to get to know the new girl and Stump isn't letting us," Jake's girlfriend said.

Jake stepped towards me when Joe came back around the corner with Pete and Zack with him. Pete ripped Jake away from me and shot him a look that made him back down. A minute later Andy, Jenna and Rian came running around the corner. Jenna must have been with Rian. Jenna, Zack and Pete dealt with Jake and the girls while Joe, Andy and Rian came over to me. I told them what was happening and they all looked pissed off.

"Thanks for helping me out," the new girl said.

"That's okay I know what it's like to be bullied," I replied. "My name's Patrick and this is Rian, Joe and Andy. The people over there are Pete, Zack and Jenna."

"My name's Cassadee," the new girl replied.

"It's nice to meet you Cassadee," I said. "Where is your next class? Maybe you've got it with one of us."

Cassadee pulled out a sheet of paper that contained her timetable. "Um, I've got a double of History with Mrs Carlton."

"I've got that class," Rian said. He seemed excited at the thought of sharing a class with Cassadee and she seemed pleased too.

"I've got that one too," Jenna added as she walked over to us. "We better get going because Mrs Carlton hates it when people are late."

Jenna, Cassadee and Rian walked off in the direction of their class while Joe, Andy and Zack walked off to their class and I was left with Pete. He pulled me in for a hug which shocked me and caused my heart to do summersaults in my chest. Pete pulled away but he kept his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think Cassadee got treated far worse than I did."

"I can't believe you stepped in between them! If I hadn't gotten here Jake would have hurt you," Pete said with worry in his tone.

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Don't worry about me but I'd be worried about being late to Maths because we'll get skinned alive."

Pete laughed and we walked off to our Maths class to see that the teacher hadn't arrived yet. We slipped into the classroom and walked to the back of the room where Kellin, Alex, Taylor and Vic sat. They smiled when they saw us but their smiles faded when we told them why were late.

"That's bullshit," Alex said as he leaned back in his seat. "Why the fuck would you bully a girl for her music taste?"

"I'm not sure," Pete replied.

"At least she has Rian and Jenna with her," Taylor said.

"That counts for something," I replied.

Our teacher finally walked into the room which meant we had to move our conversation to a whisper.

Kellin played with the pen in his hands as he spoke. "I'm over Jake and all of his friends' bullshit. I think it's about time we got a little payback."

Vic grinned. "What do you have in mind?"

"I heard they're having a party at his house this weekend and we happen to know a lot of people that are in bands," Kellin explained.

Alex chuckled quietly. "Oh I'm so in! Jack will be in too I just know it."

"There is one problem. How do you get the drummers in and out if we have to?" Taylor asked.

I loved how logical she could be and I'm glad she brought that thought forward because we would need to get the drummers out without being hurt. The only drummers I knew were Andy and Rian but if Vic, Kellin, Taylor and Jenna brought their drummers and we brought their equipment then we would be screwed. We were lucky that Hayley didn't have a drummer at the moment in her band Paramore because that meant one less person to worry about.

"They have a pep rally happening next Friday," I said. "We could have our bands go on after one another while using the schools drum kit so we can get out of there as quick as possible if we have to."

"Okay, we've also got more time if we do it next week," Alex said.

"Um, guys," Pete said. "I'm not in a band."

"You can join Andy, Joe and me," I said. "We need a bassist and we've got time to teach you a song if you join us."

Pete grinned. "So you'd really want me in your band."

"Sure, Andy and Joe have wanted to ask you for a while now," I replied.

The teacher finally caught on that we were talking and we were given a detention but it was worth it. We had a plan to get back at Jake and his girlfriend. They really cared about 'school spirit' and their precious pep rallies because they thought it was great to have the whole school cheering for them. On the plus side, Andy, Joe and I now had a bassist. I knew that they would be happy to find out about the new addition to our band.

I looked at Pete to see that he was taking notes down. He slowly looked up and met my gaze which caused my heart to give a light squeeze. He smiled at me and it stopped beating completely. Was I falling in love with Pete Wentz?

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