18. Step Two: Unloyal Friends (The Deserters)

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(Pete's P.O.V)

Put on your war paint.

Patrick sat on the end of my bed as I deliberately smeared eyeliner on my cheeks. A smile tugged at the corner of Patrick's mouth and I knew that he remembered that I had mouthed the exact same thing to him at the store Justin works in. I was still surprised that Step One had worked so well. Austin had said that Step Two would work better than Step One because Jake only had his friends because of Alicia and her friends.

"Do you honestly believe that Step Two is going to work?" Patrick asked. "If a bunch of girls left our group I doubt we'd all abandon each other."

I smirked. "That's because the majority of us are gay."

Patrick blushed. "Well that may be the case for some of us but last time I checked Zack, Joe, Kellin, Vic and Andy were straight. As well as Austin, Alan, Tino, Aaron and Phil."

I laughed. "Oh sweetie you obviously haven't seen the way Kellin and Vic look at each other as well as Austin and Alan."

"Really?" Patrick asked in surprise. "I didn't expect Austin to feel that way."

I scrubbed at the eyeliner I had put in my cheeks. "Oh yeah there's a story behind him and Alan."

Patrick leaned forward and I could see that he was intrigued. "What's the story behind them?"

"When Alan first started going to our school he was severely bullied because of his hair colour and the fact that he wasn't completely, one hundred precent straight," Pete explained. "Austin noticed this and he began to stand up for Alan. If you haven't noticed Austin often wraps an arm around Alan or grabs his hand when he thinks no one is looking."

"In fact I haven't noticed because they've just joined the group and I've been suspended," Patrick replied.

I laughed. "That's extremely true."

"Anyway," Patrick said. "I think it's adorable that Austin helped Alan out."

"Do you ship it?" I asked.

Patrick laughed. "I do actually."

I joined in with Patrick's laughter as I finished applying eyeliner to my eyes. I turned around to see that Patrick was staring up at me with a small smile I managed to return. I was always able to return his smiles. Then the smile faded as suddenly as it appeared. Patrick ran a hand through his hair and he sighed.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing by stooping to Jake's level?" Patrick asked.

"I don't think it's exactly great but do we have much of a choice? Jake hasn't particularly left us with many options," I replied. "I feel bad I do but then I remember everything he has done and the fact that he threatened you and put Vic in the hospital." I reached out and took Patrick's hand in mine and smiled reassuringly at me. "Do you realize how crazy that made me feel? I fucking love you Patrick and I never want anything to happen to you."

Patrick smiled again. "I love you too Pete. It's nice to know someone cares."

"I'll always care about you Patrick, I promise," I whispered. I let go of his hand and smiled slightly at him. "We better get to school and admire our handiwork."

Patrick jumped to his feet and gestured towards my bedroom door. "Lead the way."


We all glanced towards the table where Jake sat at with his friends to see that it was void of any females. Jake seemed angry and distant as he stared down at the food on is tray. Austin couldn't contain his smile and I could see that Alan was joining in with him. Jake's friends were glaring at him and none of them were touching their food either. I was tempted to approach the table and pretend to slice the air with the plastic knife in my hand, though I'm certain that I would get my ass kicked for it.

"They actually left," Jenna murmured in awe. "I'm quite impressed with you boys."

Tino bowed slightly and smirked. "We've been waiting some time to put this plan into action."

"I can tell," Rian said around a mouthful of food. "You guys must be pleased that it's finally happening."

"We are," Alan insisted.

We all fell to a hush when we noticed a change at Jake's table. A guy that looked like he took steroids rose to his feet and slammed his hands down on the table.

"Where the fuck is Alicia and her friends?" he demanded. "I like having females around!"

"She cheated on me alright!" Jake spat. "You guys have been at me all day about this and I'm fucking over it!"

"Do you honestly blame her?" another guy said. I'm pretty sure his name was Tyson. He used to be an okay guy in middle school but popularity got to his head after the start of sophomore year. "You do realize that she knew that you slept with Carl's sister."

A guy with cropped black hair and broad shoulders froze at what Tyson had said. He rose to his feet and I watched as he's body shook.

"You slept with my sister?" the guy with cropped hair - no doubt Carl - demanded.

"I didn't," Jake snapped but I could see that he was desperately searching for an excuse.

Carl grabbed his tray from the table and stormed away. A couple of other guys were quick to follow but a few seemed hesitant. Tyson had risen to his feet so that he was staring down at Jake with a neutral expression.

"I advise you try and undo what you've done and get Alicia and her friends back or you'll end up alone," Tyson stated. "Look man I like you at the best of times but we have a reputation to uphold."

"Is that all you really care about?" Jake demanded.

Tyson shrugged his shoulders then walked off in the direction Carl had gone. A couple of minutes passed and the rest of his group got up and left the table. I was left stunned at how quickly Jake's friends had left him. I was honestly shocked at how easily his friends had left him. I actually had had a legitimate excuse and he was sitting beside me with the same shocked look on his face. I reached under the table and gripped Patrick's hand in mine.

"We didn't even have to do anything," Joe whispered in shock.

"Of course not," Austin replied then he grinned. "All they care about is girls and their reputation. Those guys are just a bunch of shallow assholes."

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch. We all rose to our feet and started making our way to our classes after we had dropped our trays off. I was on my way to my next class when I noticed something that was all too familiar to me.

Jake was walking towards his class when a bunch of jocks slammed their bodies against Jake's, shoving him into the wall of nearby lockers. A group of girls nearby giggled as Jake hurried to collect himself. I stopped where I was going and stared at Jake. Jake glanced up at me and I could tell he was frustrated.

"What are you looking at Wentz?" he demanded.

I glanced around the hallway before stepping closer to Jake. "Do you realize how embarrassing that is?"

Jake scowled at me. "I don't need you pointing it out to me."

I tried to supress a smirk. "Now do you realize how embarrassing it was for the people you did that to? Do you think they like you pushing them around?"

"Is this about Stump? Because I'm pretty sure he got even with me," Jake snapped.

"This isn't just about Patrick," I replied evenly. "The point of me even talking to you is that I hope you understand how you make others feel."

Jake looked like he wanted to reply but I walked away before he could. I had already said my piece on the topic. I was aware that Jake was staring after me but I didn't care. I felt guilty for what just happened but I was quick to remind myself that Jake needed it. He needed to realize that treating others like crap isn't okay.

I glanced over my shoulder to see that Jake had finally collected himself and was walking towards his class without any of his friends tagging along with him. I just hoped that Jake would begin to realize how horrible he is, it'd make life a little easier.

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