12. Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying

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(Pete's P.O.V)

I have had to deal with many things I disagreed with or that I didn't like but
this was one of the hardest things. The look of excitement on Patrick's face was the only thing I could see when I closed my eyes and the look of excitement meant something bad. I knew that Patrick thought the group was causing me to distance myself but it wasn't them at all. I found amusement in their strange fascination with finding out if Patrick and I were together or not. The person that kept me from getting close to Patrick was Jake. I was already cautious when it came to Jake, especially after what he had done to Vic. I had decided that day that I didn't want Jake to hurt Patrick in that way and I had vowed to do everything I could to protect Patrick. But I had just sealed his fate.

I skipped Gym because I needed time to think about what I was going to do. Jake had given me a choice. Dump Patrick and be his friend again to ensure Patrick's safety along with my other friends or stay with Patrick and watch the consequences. I obviously wanted to tell Patrick that I didn't love him, that I didn't want him around that I was only tricking him, but I couldn't do it because I loved Patrick.

As I sit in my car and stare at my house I remember the day Jake approached me and gave me this choice. It was not long after I had stood up to him when he was attacking Jack and Alex's sexuality . . .

I only had enough money to buy one CD and I was torn between a Nirvana CD and New Found Glory's new album. I held both in my hand and kept reading the track list over and over again trying to figure out which CD had more songs I loved on it but I loved them all. I was aware that someone was behind me before they even spoke. I slowly turned around to see Jake's cold, calculating eyes staring at me.

"Here to start a fight?" I asked angrily.

"No," Jakre replied calmly, a tone I wasn't quite familiar with when it came to Jake.

"Then what do you want?" I demanded.

"I want us to be friends again," Jake replied innocently.

I wanted to slam my fist in his face. I hated it when he pretended to be innocent because I sure as hell knew that he wasn't. I had seen him manipulate too many people and I had seen him hurt far more and right now I did not trust him.

"Do you honestly think I want to be friends with you after everything you have done to my friends!" I snapped.

"You haven't heard what I've got to offer you," Jake said.

"And what have you got to offer me? 'Be my friend and I'll let you beat up the freshmen along with the sophomore's and the gay kids'," I said in my best impersonation of Jake.

Jake smirked. "I'm glad to see you've still got your humour but that's not what I'm here to offer you."

"Then just spit it out," I snapped.

"Be my friend and I'll protect that stupid Patrick Stump you seem to be so fond about, along with your
other loser friends," Jake said. "All you have to do is get rid of Patrick and tell him you hate him. If you don't do that . . . well I'd hate to see what happens to Patrick."

My heart stopped beating and my blood ran cold. Did Jake just threaten Patrick? I dropped the CD's in my hands and Jake quickly picked them up with his smirk still in place.

"Did you just threaten my friend?" I asked.

"I think Patrick is more than your friend," Jake replied. "I've seen they you behave around him and I've had people watch you. It seems to me that you actually love Stump.Now that would explain why you stood up for those losers . . . what are there names again?"

"Jack and Alex," I replied irritably.

"Yeah, Jack and Alex. Anyway, I want to know if you'll accept my offer or . . . something may or may not happen to Patrick," Jake said.

I glanced down at the CD's that were now in Jake's hands. Could I honestly do what Jake wanted? Could I actually hurt Patrick?

"Come on Wentz I don't have all day," Jake snapped.

"I'll see what I can do," I whispered.

I glanced up to see that Jake was smiling like a fool.

"That's what I wanted to hear," Jake said. . .

All I wanted to know was what Jake had planned for Patrick. What could he possibly do to hurt him? Patrick seemed so innocent in my eyes, he was someone that needed to be looked after. Not hurt.

I took a deep breath and climbed out of my car. My parents would begin to wonder where I am if I didn't go inside and if I'm late they'd ground me because I knew they were starting to get sick of my flaunting the rules. I pulled my hoodie on so that my arms were covered and I started making my towards the front door when a voice stopped me. I spun around to see that Jake was standing behind me.

"I was wondering when you'd get home," Jake said.

I choose to ignore him as I shoved my hands into the pocket of my hoodie.

"I take your silence as a good thing," Jake continued.

I shrugged my shoulders and kept my eyes focused on the ground.

"How did Patrick take it?" Jake asked.

I did not reply.

"You did tell him, right?" Jake asked.

I kept my head down which irritated Jake. He stormed over to me and jerked my chin so that he could look into my eyes. A scowl lit up his features when he saw the pain in my eyes.

"Did you tell him?" Jake demanded.

I jerked my chin out of his grasp and shook my head. Jake's fist slammed into my face and I collapsed to the ground.

"Why not?" Jake demanded.

"You don't understand," I replied.

"You know what that means, don't you?" Jake asked angrily.

"I won't let you touch him," I growled.

"We'll see about that!" Jake shouted.

The front door slammed open and my parents came running outside. My mom came to me and my dad sprinted over to Jake. Mom helped me to my feet and wrapped an arm
protectively around me which would only make things worse for Patrick and me.

"Get off of my property!" Dad shouted.

Jake glanced back at me then smirked. "See ya around Wentz."

Jake spun on his heel and stalked away. Dad turned back to face me and his body relaxed when the threat disappeared. Mom touched the spot where Jake hit me and frowned.

"A bruise is beginning to form," she said. "C'mon let's get you inside and I'll get you an ice pack."

I didn't want to go inside because I didn't know what Jake was going to do and I wasn't with Patrick so that I could protect him. I wanted to fight against my mom's hold but I went with it. I didn't feel like explaining to her and Dad why I had to go because they would call the police which was something I didn't need.

"Is it okay if Patrick stays for the night?" I asked my parents. "He promised to help me with an assignment and I think it would be best if he started helping me now."

They seemed hesitant to let him stay on a school night but they relented. After dinner, I drove to Patrick's house so that I could pick him up. Patrick was already waiting by the door and he was happy to see me but the smile faded when he saw my expression.

"Pete, what's wrong?" Patrick demanded.

I debated whether or not to tell Patrick but in the end I decided he had a right to know.

"Jake," I replied.

Patrick's body froze and his eyes widened. "What about Jake?"

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